The management of institutional cooperation within Universitas Islam Indonesia is under the coordination of the Directorate of Partnership/Office of International Affairs (DP/OIA). The DP/OIA is responsible for managing the administration of partnerships and facilitating units within the UII environment in initiating partnership opportunities, supporting collaboration development, and evaluating the implementation of cooperation with various institutions. The DP/OIA also functions and acts as a catalyst for internationalization at UII.
The partnership network that is knitted by UII consists of various bilateral and multilateral collaboration programs, both with institutions in Indonesia and globally. At present, UII has many partner institutions both at home and abroad, consisting of universities, government institutions, industry, and non-profit organizations that continue to engage in various collaborations actively. Our international cooperation partners are spread in multiple countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Morocco, England, Holland, Germany, France, Hungary and United States of America.
Potential partners may propose the initiation of collaboration and partnerships related to study, research, publication, social service and other mutual academic activities to DP/OIA.
Telephone: +62 274 898444 Extension 2200
Email: [email protected]