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Bachelor of Islamic Law

Faculty of Islamic Studies

Ull’s Ahwal Al Syakhshiyah (Islamic Family Law) Study Program is a study program at UII that has a vision of “By the year of 2030, UII’s Ahwal Al Syakhshiyah will become the center of Sharia science development in the field of Ahwal Al Syakhshiyah (Islamic Family Law) which is able to compete with leading universities in Southeast Asia and excelling in giving birth to theoretically and practically competent Moslem intellectuals in the field of Ahwal AI Syakhshiyah (Islamic Family Law).” In addition, Ahwal AI Syakhshiyah Study Program has two missions: preparing a professional expert in Sharia sciences, especially in the field of Islamic Family Law, who are committed to the excellence of competence, and develop, actualize, and communicate the science of Sharia in the field of Islamic Family Law through education and teaching, research, community service, and Islamic mission.

Ahwal AI Syakhshiyah Study Program has been accredited “A” by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) with a curriculum content which refers to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) and is based on practices that integrate theoretical and practical capabilities. In addition, the Ahwal AI Syakhshiyah Study Program has  specific core values called “ARIF” (Amanah (Trustworthy), Rasional (Rational), Islami (Islamic), and Fastabiqul Khairat (Ceaselessly Strive for Doing Good Deeds)). In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 33 of 2016, the academic degree of this study program is Sarjana Hukum/Bachelor of Law (S.H.). With the coaching and curriculum model implemented, the students of this study program have achieved many achievements in regional, national and international level.

The excellency of Ahwal Al Syakhshiyah Study Program that leads to internationalization is the opening of the International Classes that use Arabic (and English) which started in 2015. The opening of classes using Arabic and English introductory language is an effort to provide more knowledge to students. Hopefully, the alumni of this international classes alumni will be able to better compete globally.

The competencies of graduates aimed by Ahwal Al Syakhshiyah Study Program are the competencies to develop and implement Sharia science in the field of Islamic family law, master the theory and practice of Islamic inheritance, hisab, rukyat, and other Islamic civil law so as to gain the opportunity to work in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Religious Courts, Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), and so forth. With these competencies, Ahwal Syakhshiyah Study Program’s alumni have the opportunity to become judges, legal practitioners, advocates, researchers, hasib (expert of hisab and rukyat), family law consultant, and Sharia banking consultant.

When you are applying to Universitas Islam Indonesia as an international student, you will need to satisfy the entry requirements for undergraduate (bachelor/diploma) admission. Read the requirements by downloading information provided from the link available below.

The Country Specific Undergraduate Entry Requirements information will help to clarify your eligibility to apply, based on the country where you finished your high school studies.

Universitas Islam Indonesia offers joint degree and/or student exchange for bachelor degree program in collaboration with our outstanding partner universities.

For more information about our global mobility programs, please contact the Office of International Affairs (OIA) at: +62 274 898 410 or email: io[at]

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Bachelor of Islamic Law degree at Universitas Islam Indonesia is also offered at International Program (IP). IP is an international class organized by certain study programs within UII that use foreign languages (English and/or Arabic) as an introductory language.

See more information: International Program at UII


If you are interested in studying in regular program, you must have a fluent communication skills, both oral and written, using Indonesian language. UII provides BIPA program to help you learn Indonesian language before starting your first semester.

See more information: BIPA Program


Need more information on how to apply?

For more information on the application process and closing dates, please visit the application procedures page.

Click here for application procedures for International students.

You may also send your inquiries or contact our IO staff. We will guide you through the admission process.

Office of International Affairs
Sardjito Building (3rd floor) – Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia,
Jl. Kaliurang, km. 14,5 Yogyakarta 55584 INDONESIA
 +62 274-898410 (hotline) F +62 274-898406

This information valid for students commencing 2018

Degree Title

(Sarjana Hukum)


8 semesters full-time


National: Accredited A (BAN-PT)

Campus Location

Wahid Hasyim Building,
Main Campus

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