Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) turut menggelar pemutaran film dokumenter Sardjito Dalam Revolusi, Jumat (8/6), di Ruang Audiovisual Gedung Rektorat UII. Pemutaran film merupakan wujud dukungan UII akan pengusulan Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito sebagai Pahlawan Nasional pada tahun ini, bersama Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI).

Dalam film yang diputar selama kurang lebih 30 menit ini, berbagai jasa Sardjito dipaparkan dengan rinci. Sosok yang merupakan Rektor UII Periode 1963-1970, merupakan pendiri PMI di Klaten, dan Rumah Sakit Geger Klaten yang saat itu merawat para pejuang Indonesia.

Salah satu saksi hidup Sardjito yang masih ada mengutarakan apa yang diliatnya waktu itu. Sumirin pengantar rangsum di RS Geger pada masa Sardjito berkiprah bercerita bagaimana di tengah perjuangannya di bidang kesehatan, tak luput hujan bom dari pesawat tentara Belanda.

Sementara Ketua PMI DI Yogyakarta, GBPH Prabukusumo dalam film bercerita bagaimana kontribusi Sardjito ketika mengembangkan PMI saat itu. “Setelah Bandung dinyatakan tidak aman, Sardjito melanjutkan perjuangannya di Klaten dengan mendirikan PMI,” ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut dipaparkan, Klaten menyuplai logistik ke Bandung saat terjadi Bandung Lautan Api. Kontribusi Sardjito juga diwujudkan dengan pembuatan biskuit untuk para tentara Indonesia.

Salah saktu saksi hidup lainnya, Samdhy yang merupakan pejuang dalam peristiwa serangan 1 Maret 1949, bercerita bagaimana Sardjito memberikan bekal tentara dari kantong pemberangkatan di Godean, DI Yogyakarta. “Ia membekali para tentara dengan dua kantong, yakni nasi aking dan biskuit. Dari bekal ini membuat tenaga para tentara Indonesia menjadi kuat dan berlipat,” terangnya

Selain menciptakan vaksin, Sardjito juga berkontribusi dalam menyusun jalur Revolusi. Sardjito juga berkontribusi dalam perkembangan dunia pendidikan. Selain sebagai Rektor UII, sebelumnya juga menjadi Rektor UGM. Saat menjadi Rektor UGM, Sardjito mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusinya.

Perkembangan dunia industri semakin cepat. Hampir di segala sektor industri mulai terjadi adanya perkembangan menuju digitalisasi atau yang biasa dikenal perusahaan rintisan digital. Wildan Maulana (Teknik Informatika 2014) berhasil membuat perusahaan rintisan di sektor pariwisata yakni gidsnesia.com. Perusahaan rintisan berbasis website yang akan segera dikembangkan pada versi mobile ini berhasil masuk dalam forum startup Istanbul 2018 di Turki. Diikuti hampir 60.000 peserta dari 140 negara, Tim Wildan berhasil masuk 100 besar perusahaan rintisan yang patut diperhitungkan oleh investor.

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Kanker payudara merupakan suatu pertumbuhan sel yang tidak normal dan tidak terkontrol pada daerah payudara. Kanker ini menduduki peringkat kedua penyebab kematian pada wanita setiap tahunnya. Menurut Worl Health Organization (WHO), bahwa 8-9% wanita di seluruh dunia berpotensi terkena kanker payudara. Pengobatan terhadap kanker payudara pun terus dikembangkan baik dalam pengobatan tradisional maupun modern.

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Setidaknya ada 3 manfaat umum yang bisa diperoleh saat kita berbagi dengan sesama. Di antaranya adalah membuat perasaan bahagia, menularkan kebaikan, dan meningkatkan rasa peduli. Tentu masih banyak manfaat yang bisa diperoleh saat kita berbagi dengan sesama.

Cilacs UII sebagai lembaga yang berada di lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia, terus berperan aktif dalam kegiatan sosial di Yogyakarta. Sesuai apa yang disampaikan Fitri Nugraheni, Ph.D dalam sambutannya saat buka bersama dengan manajemen dan staf pengajar Cilacs beberapa waktu lalu, bahwa akan ada rangkaian kegitan dalam menyambut bulan suci Ramadan 1439 H kali ini. Salah satunya yakni bakti sosial peduli sesama dan berbagi takjil bagi masyarakat umum.

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Biodiesel telah lama dikembangkan oleh berbagai negara sebagai energi alternatif karena bahan baku yang melimpah dan terbarukan. Seperti energi terbarukan lainnya, biodiesel memiliki tantangan yang sama yaitu harga pokok produksi yang bersaing dengan bahan bakar fosil. Hal ini semakin tertekan oleh kebijakan pemerintah yang mensubsidi BBM dan menetapkan batas campuran biodiesel pada solar sebesar 20% saja.

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Sekelompok mahasiswa Program Studi Farmasi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Islam Indonesia (FMIPA UII) melakukan penelitian andrografolid sebagai sediaan transdermal. Penelitian ini mengangkat judul Studi In-Vitro Permeasi Andrografolid Sebagai Inovasi Pembuatan Sediaan Transdermal Solusi Cerdas Pengobatan Diabetes Mellitus.

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Safari Iman Ramadhan (SAFIR) 1439 H Universitas Islam Indonesia kembali menyelenggarakan acara kajian malam Nuzulul Quran. Acara yang mengangkat tema “Menyulam Rasa Dengan Al-Quran” berlangsung pada Minggu Malam (03/06) di Masjid Ulil Albab UII. Turut menghadirkan sekretaris MUI Sulawesi Selatan Ustadz Muhammad Ikhwan Jalil Lc. M.H.I beserta anaknya yang merupakan Qori’ Muda Ammar TV Ananda Umar Al Faruq. Kedua narasumber tersebut berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana Al Quran itu dipelajari dan berpengaruh kepada pribadi, keluarga, masyarakat serta bangsa dan negara. Jalannya acara dipandu oleh Muhammad Agung Bramantya, ST,MT,M.Eng.,Ph.D. sebagai moderator.

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Although the relationship between Australia-Indonesia government is quite close, it still needs to be supported by relationship between citizens of the two countries or people to people contact. Strengthening people to people relationship might bring positive impacts in various aspects. One of the efforts is through bridging the cultural differences between the two nations in order to bring the two citizens closer.

As said by Director of Directorate of Marketing, Cooperation and Alumni (DPKA) UII, Hangga Fathana, S.IP., B.Int.St., MA at an event “Cross Culture Discussion and Cooking Class: Indonesia-Australia Bound in Harmony”.

The event was held by AussieBanget Corner (ABC) UII and consisted of several agenda including Discussion Session, Cooking Demonstration of Indonesian and Australian Cuisine, as well as Music Performance. The event which attracted many visitors was held at the Parking Lot of Unishop UII on Saturday (28/04).

Attending the event were representatives from the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Australian students in Yogyakarta under the auspices of the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS), and the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA).

“UII as an educational institution is fully aware to engage in strengthening relations between Indonesia and Australia. We want to broaden the awareness of Indonesian society, especially the academic community to make connection with Australians in Indonesia “, he said.

He wants the ABC UII not only to symbolize Australian diplomacy at UII but also the symbol of UII academic community who wants to further learn about Australia. The discussion session was managed by UII students who had visited Australia, such as Bintar Mupiza (International Relations), Zulhazmi Luthfi (Environmental Engineering), and Egista Pregi (English Education).

Bintar said Australians are very friendly especially when in the mosque. “They really appreciate me when I spoke to them even though they are older. For those of you who want to go to Australia at least try to contact the PPI or UII Alumni to know the situation there. “He said.

Egis added that the living cost in Australia is quite expensive, due to currency differences. In addition, some people there still not comfortable with foreigners who wear the hijab, but it depends on the personality of each person.

UII students continue to achieve prestigious awards both in academic and non-academic fields. Recently, UII’s representative team won an award in “International University Search and Rescue Games” (IUSAR), held on 21 April-1 May 2018 at The Northern of Cyprus, Republic of Turkey. On this occasion, UII team won 3 awards from three categories such as 2nd Winner IUSAR Games 2018, Best Team Leader, and Best Orienteering games. IUSAR is a disaster relief and first aid competition for university students.

UII team consists of 7 members: Dwipa Rizki Utama, Balya Ibnu Mulkan, Akbar Haditya, Maulana Ihsan Fairi, Ibnu Ananda, Marsha Legita Kejora, and Farraz Nurdhina Kholida. During the contest, UII team must compete with 41 teams from other countries including Turkey and Cyprus itself. There are 5 categories of competition in this event such as moving the rock from position A to position B, disaster mitigation from cliff accident, disaster response from hard stage, first aid for motorcycle accident, and disaster response for collapsed building.

“UII become the only participant from Indonesia because we are the only university which ratified the understanding and agreement under the IUSAR Council. This event is aimed to increase youth awareness in disaster response and management. Most of participant come from South Asia and Africa,” said Dwipa Rizki Utama as chairman of UII Team.

He hopes through participation in these activities can encourage a culture of safety within the university. “We do hope that safety culture could be internalize in various activities around the campus, particularly outdoor activities. And hopefully we can share more knowledge and experience about the Search and Rescue field,” he said.

UII student, Zul Hazmi Lutfi, won Best Diplomacy Award at the European Model United Nation (EuroMUN) 2018 event, held in Maastricht, Netherlands. Zul Hazmi become one of delegates in one of the most competitive MUN in Europe. The participant is strictly selected by the committee. This year, EuroMUN took the theme, “Shaping the Future from The Heart of Europe”.

During MUN’s activities, Zul had the opportunity to represent Myanmar in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR). The first topic of discussion is, “Expanding the scope and capacity of the 1951 refugee convention” and the second is “The evaluation of refugee camps”.

Zul Hazmi did not expect to bring such award when returning to Indonesia. “Really I did not expect it, because I am listed in a committee filled by prominent delegates. And certainly, I am very grateful because my effort to come a long way to Europe has become a success, “he said.

The total number of participants is 500 delegates. The Indonesian delegation come from various universities, such as Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Brawijaya, and Universitas Islam Indonesia, as well as other delegates from all parts of Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Prior to his participation in EuroMUN, Zul Hazmi admitted he have to struggle in preparation. Especially when his class schedule was very tight. According to him, the atmosphere in the EuroMUN event is full of sportsmanship and collaborative. “All the delegations show sportsmanship and collaborative attitude in the trial simulation process, the event organizers also built a warm atmosphere with our delegates as well as the head of the session,” added Zul, who is also a student in FTSP UII.

When asked about the most memorable experience, Zul recalled when Rohingya crisis emerged as a topic of discussion. As a representative of Myanmar, he has to defend his country’s position and maintain the trust of his allies. Zul who is also part of the Board of Executive of UII MUN Association hopes that the association can get more attention and interest from UII students. According to him, UII MUN Association is an organization which encourage student’s ability to think critically and to express opinions in public.

“It is more than just going abroad, but more importantly is diplomacy soft skill capabilities that can be obtained in the MUN conference,” he concluded.