I do believe, none of artefacts, including the architectural ones that are value-free. They are indeed value-laden. There are certain values inscribed when developing the artefacts.
I will take this opportunity to bring the discussion about values into the table. I am sure that the discussion about other aspects, such as the apostle of information technologies in the architectural education and practice will be discussed intensively by the legitimate and respected invited speakers; today and tomorrow.
But, please be aware, this perspective is not from an architect. My educational background is computer science and information systems. But, the interaction I have made with my fellows from the architecture discipline, to some extent, has shaped this perspective.
To me, among the important aspects in the architectural education is related to values. It is about cultivating values among the architects and inscribing values into the architectural artefacts. I think, it will not so difficult among us to agree on this issue. Since today, there is no opportunity for dialoguing the opening remarks; I assume that you all do agree with me 🙂
If so, the question is: what values should be cultivated and inscribed? I am quite sure that each of us may come up with various lists of values. But, let’s discuss some of them. To me, as an outsider, there are at least nine groups of values that are very important to be cultivated among the architects or to be inscribed into the architectural artefacts.
- Artistic values. The values may relate to the concepts of novelty, uniqueness, self-expression. Even, one of the architects from this university once said that witnessing his/her design to be materialised into a physical artefact/building, is like expecting for a baby.
- Regionalism values. In interpreting these values, we need to better understand local culture and tradition, and consider them into design. The discussion about indigenous culture and identity may fall into this aspect.
- Collaborative values. These include partnership with the surrounding and compliance with the regulation. And, within a smaller group, the values may manifest in quality communication between the designers, engineers, and construction workers.
- Harmonious values. Here, we may discuss the concepts of social cohesiveness, understating cross-social issues, respecting the past, befriending with the future, individual and social safety, and not using the architectural artefacts for hegemonic purpose.
- Intellectual values. We may introduce here a variety of ideas: well-informed or argumentative design, architectural artefact is a proof concept, making the architectural artefacts as sources of inspiration, for educating people, etc.
- Temporal values. It is about understanding and responding the societal taste of a given time, as in many cases the design will tell us the time when the architectural artefact was built.
- Environmental values. These values have been a part of hot discussion, indicated by various concepts that have been around, such as nature friendly, energy conservation, recycling, re-use concept, toxic-free materials, and sustainable development
- Clean values. The building of the architectural artefacts should be driven by good motivation, free from corrupt practices, and sterile from hidden personal and short-term agenda that does not go hand in hand with the public interest.
- Transparency values. Considering these values means that all the processes can be traced back and be audited, especially to those which use public funding.
I am sure that each of us may make the list longer. Although the list of values we just discussed is not exhaustive one, but if it is difficult for you to remember the listed values, let us shorten them into an acronym: ARCHITECT; [A]rtistic, [R]egionalism, [C]ollaborative, [H]armonious, [I)]ntellectual, [T]emporal, [E]nvironmental, [C]lean, and [T]ransparency values.
Again, I do not belong to the architecture discipline, hence, I do understand that pouring a pack of salt into the sea may be a meaningless effort, but at least, I do hope that this viewpoint may provide alternate or complement perspective that invites further discussions.
An excerpt from the opening remarks of the Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia in eduARCHsia + Senvar 2019 International Conference, 25-26 Sepember 2019
D3 Ekonomi UII Borong Medali di Ajang Internasional
Program D3 Fakultas Ekonomi kembali meraih sederet prestasi di ajang internasional. Pada ajang International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition (INDES) di Casuarina Hotel Ipoh Malaysia, Kamis (19/8), tim D3 Ekonomi UII membawa pulang 4 gold medal, 4 silver medal, dan 5 bronze medal dari berbagai kategori yang diikuti yaitu Social Science and Entrepreneurship, Green and Sustainability, Design and Creativity, Science Engineering and Technology dan Education.
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UII Sambut 50 Dosen Baru
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) kembali menerima dosen tetap untuk beberapa program studi. Sebanyak 50 calon dosen tetap memenuhi kriteria dan dinyatakan lolos hingga tahap akhir seleksi dari sekitar 600 pendaftar. Di hadapan pendidik baru, Rektor UII Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. mengatakan di UII ilmu dan agama saling berdampingan dan diterapkan di lingkungan kampus.
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PUSBANSOSKES UII Adakan Outing Bagi Purna Tugas
Pusat Bantuan Sosial dan Kesehatan (PUSBANSOSKES) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) kembali mengadakan Outing bagi para Purna Tugas yang telah berakhir masa pengabdiannya. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di salah satu tempat wisata yang berlokasi di Pakem, Wonorejo, Hargobinangun, Sleman, Yogyakarta, pada Kamis (26/9).
Kurang lebih 90 Purna tugas UII yang telah berusia senja turut meramaikan kegiatan outing ini. Selain para peserta, turut hadir Wakil Rektor Bidang Sumber Daya dan Pengembangan Karir Dr. Zaenal Arifin., M.Si., Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) UII Ike Agustina., S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog., Ketua Pusbansoskes Dra. Erna Hidayah., M.S.I., Ak., serta ketua Paguyuban Purna Tugas UII, Ir. M. Samsudin, M.T.
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Apoteker UII Ikrarkan Sumpah Profesi
Program Studi Profesi Apoteker Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Menggelar Sumpah Profesi Apoteker Angkatan ke-33. Kali ini sebanyak 121 lulusan yang terdiri dari 96 perempuan dan 25 laki-laki, menjalani prosesi pengambilan sumpah profesi di Auditorium Abdulkahar Muzakkir Kampus Terpadu UII pada Kamis (26/9).
Dalam pelaksanaan sumpah kali ini, tampak hadir Rektor UII, Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia, Noffendri, SSi., Apt., Perwakilan Dinas Kesehatan D.I.Y, Dra. Siti Badriyah, Apt., M.Kes. dan Ketua Komite Farmasi Nasional, Drs. Purwadi, Apt., M.M., M.E.
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IBISMA UII Ajak Stakeholder Bangun Ekosistem Kewirausahaan
Perkembangan kewirausahaan di kalangan mahasiswa saat ini terus mengalami peningkatan. Terlihat dari antusiasme mahasiswa dalam mengeksplorasi inovasi dan ide-ide baru untuk berwirausaha mengalami kenaikan setiap tahunnya. Sehingga menjadi penting bagi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia mempersiapkan dan memfasilitasi mahasiswanya untuk terjun di bidang wirausaha.
Merespon tantangan tersebut, Inkubasi Bisnis dan Inovasi Bersama Universitas Islam Indonesia (IBISMA UII) menggelar Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan topik Corporate-Incubator-Startup Collaboration : Building Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Turut hadir diantaranya Dr. Ferry Ramadhan, S.T., M.Si. dari Direktorat Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi dan Lembaga Penunjang Lainnya, Kemenristekdikti, Rektor UII, Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., serta Bupati Kabupaten Sleman, Drs. Sri Purnomo, MSI pada acara yang digelar Jumat siang (27/9), di Alana Hotel & Convention Centre Yogyakarta.
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UII Ikuti Pameran Pendidikan Tinggi EAIE di Helsinki, Finlandia
Kemitraan luar negeri merupakan salah satu kanal penting bagi perguruan tinggi dalam mendukung internasionalisasi. Hal tersebut diperlukan guna membuka beragam kesempatan kolaborasi riset, pengabdian masyarakat, maupun program mobilitas untuk mahasiswa, tenaga kependidikan, dan dosen.
Demikian disampaikan Wakil Rektor Bidang Networking dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D., dalam Pameran dan Konferensi Tahunan ke-31 European Association of International Education (EAIE), di Helsinki, Finlandia, Kamis (26/9).
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Profesi Arsitek Siap Respon Era Disrupsi
Hadirnya era digital semakin tidak terelakkan. Peran manusia menjadi semakin tersisihkan jika kompetensi yang dimilikinya kelak harus tergantikan oleh teknologi. Diskusi mengenai pengembangan inovasi menjadi penting untuk menjawab tantangan masa depan ini yang kini semakin cepat berubah.
Hal inilah yang direspon oleh Program Studi Arsitektur UII dengan mengadakan Eduarchsia (Architectural Education in Asia) kedua bersama SENVAR (Sustainable Environmental Architecture) dengan mengangkat tema Innovation and Sustainability in AEC 4.0. Diselenggarakan di Gedung Moh Natsir FTSP UII pada Rabu (25/9) dan Kamis (26/9), acara ini diikuti oleh lebih dari 100 pemateri dan peserta.
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Cultivating ARCHITECT Values
I do believe, none of artefacts, including the architectural ones that are value-free. They are indeed value-laden. There are certain values inscribed when developing the artefacts.
I will take this opportunity to bring the discussion about values into the table. I am sure that the discussion about other aspects, such as the apostle of information technologies in the architectural education and practice will be discussed intensively by the legitimate and respected invited speakers; today and tomorrow.
But, please be aware, this perspective is not from an architect. My educational background is computer science and information systems. But, the interaction I have made with my fellows from the architecture discipline, to some extent, has shaped this perspective.
To me, among the important aspects in the architectural education is related to values. It is about cultivating values among the architects and inscribing values into the architectural artefacts. I think, it will not so difficult among us to agree on this issue. Since today, there is no opportunity for dialoguing the opening remarks; I assume that you all do agree with me 🙂
If so, the question is: what values should be cultivated and inscribed? I am quite sure that each of us may come up with various lists of values. But, let’s discuss some of them. To me, as an outsider, there are at least nine groups of values that are very important to be cultivated among the architects or to be inscribed into the architectural artefacts.
I am sure that each of us may make the list longer. Although the list of values we just discussed is not exhaustive one, but if it is difficult for you to remember the listed values, let us shorten them into an acronym: ARCHITECT; [A]rtistic, [R]egionalism, [C]ollaborative, [H]armonious, [I)]ntellectual, [T]emporal, [E]nvironmental, [C]lean, and [T]ransparency values.
Again, I do not belong to the architecture discipline, hence, I do understand that pouring a pack of salt into the sea may be a meaningless effort, but at least, I do hope that this viewpoint may provide alternate or complement perspective that invites further discussions.
An excerpt from the opening remarks of the Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia in eduARCHsia + Senvar 2019 International Conference, 25-26 Sepember 2019
PSM Miracle Voices Harumkan Nama UII di Singapura
Prestasi membanggakan kembali diukir oleh Tim Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) Miracle Voices (MV) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). PSM MV UII mendapatkan Golden Award dan Silver Award pada ajang 6th Singapore International Choral Festival yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1-4 Agustus di Singapura.
“Untuk pesertanya sendiri itu total ada 80. Tetapi untuk kategori yang kita ikuti yakni Mixed Voices ada 6 peserta kemudian untuk Folklore sendiri ada 19 peserta.” ucap Fakhriyah Fatin selaku ketua dari PSM UII.
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Menggelorakan Cinta Al-Quran dan Sayang Sholat Subuh
Ditahbiskan mampu melantunkan ayat suci Al-Qur’an dengan suara merdu, para hafidz kerap mendulang perhatian sekaligus menjadi sosok perhatian yang menginspirasi banyak pemuda untuk mempelajari Al-Qur’an. Hal inilah yang ditunjukkan oleh Ustadz Istihsan Arif Al Fudhaily dan Ustadz Muzammil Hasballah ketika menyampaikan ceramah di depan jamaah masjid Ulil Albab Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) pada Ahad (22/9). Kegiatan ini merupakan merupakan salah satu rangkaian dalam bingkai Wonderful Muharram Big Bang fest yang diselenggarakan oleh Takmir Masjid Ulil Albab UII bekerja sama dengan Central For Medical Islamic Activities (CMIA) Fakultas kedokteran UII.
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