Amerika Serikat (AS) di mata dunia tidak hanya negara demokrasi, tetapi negara dengan militer terkuat. Sampai saat ini militer AS masih menduduki peringkat nomor wahid dunia berdasarkan indeks yang dirilis Global Fire Power (GFP). Namun beberapa kebijakan baru yang diterapkan oleh Presiden Donald Trump, seperti membangun dinding perbatasan dan kebijakan senjata api membuat demokrasi AS dipertanyakan.

Terlebih tahun 2020 Amerika Serikat kembali akan mengadakan pemilihan presiden. Dari titik ini, tak sedikit warga dunia khawatir dan bertanya-tanya “bagaimana demokrasi Amerika Serikat saat ini?”. Pertanyaan ini menjadi pokok bahasan kuliah yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Hubungan Internasional (HI) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) pada Jumat, (04/10) di Gedung GBPH lantai 2. Pembicara yang hadir adalah Lex Rieffel, Nonresident Senior Fellow, yang selama delapan tahun terakhir berfokus pada dinamika perekonomian di Myanmar selama masa transisi demokratis.

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Universitas Islam Indonesian (UII) dinobatkan sebagai salah satu pelaku pelestari warisan budaya dari 22 penerima Anugerah Kebudayaan Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) Tahun 2019. UII memperoleh penghargaan pada kategori Pelaku dan atau Pelestari Cagar Budaya atas perannya melestarikan Candi Kimpulan yang belokasi di Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5, Ngaglik Sleman. Malam penganugerahaan dihelat di Bangsal Kepatihan, Kantor Gubernur DIY pada Kamis malam (3/10).

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Mahasiswa kerap dinilai memiliki peran sebagai inisiator perubahan. Hal ini karena mereka memiliki kepekaan mengenai fenomena sosial politik yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Untuk dapat menjalankan peran tersebut tentunya banyak hal yang perlu disiapkan. Lantas hal apa sajakah yang harus dipersiapkan oleh mahasiswa untuk menyongsong perubahan tersebut?.

Hal inilah yang mendorong Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam UII mengadakan National Youth Forum. Di dalamnya terdapat seminar dan juga pelatihan yang diisi Sherly Annavita Rahmi sebagai Millenials Influencer. Acara bertema “Bangunlah anak muda!” ini juga diisi oleh Drs. Imam Mujiono, M.Ag sebagai trainer, motivator, serta dosen Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam UII. Kegiatan berlangsung di Lt. 2 Ruang Audio Visual Perpustakaan Pusat UII pada (4/10).

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Direktorat Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Islam Indonesia (DPK UII) menargetkan 1.000 Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) menuju penyelenggaraan PIMNAS 33 tahun pendanaan 2020. 1000 Proposal tersebut terdiri dari 700 Proposal PKM V Bidang, 200 Proposal PKM Gagasan Tertulis, dan 100 Proposal PKM Gagasan Futuristik (PKM-GFK).

Direktur DPK UII Beni Suranto, S.T., M.Soft., Eng. pada penyelenggaraan sosialisasi PKM Pendanaan 2020 di Auditorium Prof. K.H. Abdulkahar Mudzakkir UII, Rabu (2/10) mengatakan bahwa PKM merupakan salah satu ajang kompetisi bidang kreativitas dan inovasi mahasiswa yang paling bergengsi di Indonesia. Karenanya UII terus berusaha memberikan fasilitas serta penghargaan tinggi bagi siapa saja yang berhasil mewakili kampus dan meraih capaian prestasi dalam ajang tersebut.

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Ladhena Bernadeta, Mahasiswi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) berhasil meraih juara 2 lomba baca puisi bahasa arab tingkat nasional, pada ajang Festival Bahasa dan Budaya di Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Kamis (19/9).

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Sekelompok Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengukir prestasi di bidang Kewirausahaan. Terdiri dari tiga mahasiswa Program Studi Ekonomi Islam yakni Syarif Ihsanuddin, M. Fakhi Zain dan Dita Sari Lutfiani berhasil meraih juara 1 pada Developing Entrepreneur Project Competition (DEPCOM).

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Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami, mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional yang juga merupakan santri Pondok Pesantren UII terpilih sebagai salah satu dari dua belas peserta terbaik debat international yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, di Jakarta pada tanggal 5-7 September 2019. Lomba debat nasional tentang hak asasi manusia ini mengusung tema advancing partnership for sustainability.

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Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami, a student of International Relations department who is also a santri in UII Islamic Boarding School, has been selected as one of twelve best participants in an international debate competition held by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta at 5 – 7 September 2019. This national debate competition on human rights brought a theme “Advancing Partnership For Sustainability.” 

The participation process began by sending an essay. Out of hundreds of registrars, only 25 participants are selected to be invited to compete in the debate held at the office of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. In this competition, Fauzi sent an essay entitled “The Role of Youth in Taking Advantage of Local Potential to Achieve SDG’s 2030.”

In the first day, participants received lectures about human rights and debate, delivered by the Representative of Indonesia to AICHR, Representative of Directorate of ASEAN Political Security Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia, Representative of Directorate of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Public Speaking Practitioner, dan The Winner of AICHR Youth Debate 2018.

While on the second day, debate is conducted in two sessions. In the first session, 25 debaters are screened and 12 of them are selected to advance  to the next stage. Subsequently in the second session, 3 best participants out of 12 participants will be selected as representatives to compete in AICHR Youth Debate di Thailand. Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami is top-listed as one of the 12 best finalists in this competition.

Fauzi asserted that he participated in the competition for three reasons, to enrich his experience, to improve his English skills and expand his connection. “I want to participate in this event in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because it has been my unrealized dream since I was in high school,” he uttered. 

According to Fauzi, his participation in the debate is also a means of improving his English skills. “I believe that debating will make us more critical, besides increasing our English skills little by little,” he revealed. 

As a means of adding connections.  Fauzi argues that by competing in this contest, he can discuss directly with the Director General of ASEAN, Director General of Human Rights and many more. Fauzi, who is a receiver of UII Islamic Boarding School Scholarship further explains that he competed “also to make more friends from many universities in the country and abroad, that will certainly become an investment for me in the future.” (AR/RS)

Hasil survei Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) menyebutkan bahwa lebih dari separuh penduduk indonesia saat ini telah terhubung dalam jaringan internet, yakni 171.176.716 penduduk dari 264.161.600 keseluruhan penduduk indonesia. Hal ini berlaku baik pada urban maupun rural.

Meningkatnya penggunaan internet, berbanding lurus dengan semakin meningkatnya berbagai informasi yang tidak sesuai fakta atau hoaks. Hal ini terjadi karena peningkatan penggunaan internet di Indonesia tidak diiringi dengan sikap kritis terhadap informasi yang beredar di internet.

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A collection of associate degree students from the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) once again received a number of victories in an international competition. At International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition (INDES) in Casuarina Hotel Ipoh Malaysia, Thursday (19/8), these teams brought home 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals, and 5 bronze medals from several categories: Social Science and Entrepreneurship, Green and Sustainability, Design and Creativity, Science Engineering and Technology dan Education.

INDES, an event organized for the eighth time by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia, brought up a theme “Reinventing the Fundamentals” with the aim of presenting the output of development, innovation and designs of researchers from around the world. Besides that, the objective of this competition is also to support quality and valuable products and design prototypes, to stimulate and develop innovative research that creates new products and prototypes.

INDES itself is attended by more than 200 participants from many countries. It encompasses participants of various backgrounds like practitioners, academias, students and general publics from Malaysia as the host country, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and many other countries. 

Some of these associate degree students from the Faculty of Economics are also in collaboration with students from other departments at UII like associate degree student of Analytical Chemistry, as well as students from the department of Management at the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies, and also Industrial Engineering.  “It is done so to add more value of the products we bring in the competition” the head of departments of associate degree programs in the Faculty of Economics UII explained. 

The four teams that collect gold medals in this competitions are: Noni Ice Cream, Rendang Pakis, Niacrass Bag: Bag from Water Hyacinth Fiber, and Ethnic Striated Woven Fabric. While other products that also contribute more medals are: Orange Skin Tea “Ayu Jelita”, Akulin (Durian Crust Oil), Multifunctional Batik Cutting Board, Herlina Tea (Herbal Tea from Pineapple Skin Waste).

Other products that also received medals are EVENT EASY (E-asy): Application for Event Integration Development in Yogyakarta Based on Industrial Revolution 4.0, Pelpi Bag (A Bag Made of Banana’s Midrib), Klik Merapi: Application of Local Tourism Development Based on Halal Tourism In the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Rambutan Skin Tea and Bhacakekok.

On a separate occasion, Dra. Srimulyati, MM. (Head of Associate Degree Program of Management ), Dra. Marfuah, M. Si., Ak. (Head of Associate Degree Program of Accounting) and Dra. Diana Wijayanti, M.Si (Head of Associate Degree Program of Banking and Finance) expressed their support and motivation for associate degree students of the Faculty of Economics to continue their participation in similar events to expand their global outreach, improve self-competence and increase their bargaining power that eventually leads to a positive image of the department.