I am quiet confidence to say that without any discussion, we will agree that Covid-19 pandemic has changed our life dramatically. However, giving up or waving a white flag is not an option. Instead, we have to mitigate it and find creative ways to cope with it.
I invite all of you to join me to stop blaming the situation. A Chinese proverb tells us: it’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Indeed, the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) has open many doors of possibilities. Today, the practices of working from home, e-learning, and e-commerce, to name a few, are already commonplace and widely accepted without meaningless debate.
I urge us to not using a bird view which is too high to observe the details on the ground. But instead, we may use a dragonfly view with the multifaceted and colourful perspectives. By doing so, we may stay close to the phenomenon and grasp an overview without losing the details or the specificities of each context.
In this short welcoming remarks, I will share some perspectives that hopefully they will bind together our collective experiences.
Firstly, I observe that ICT is a life-saviour during the Covid-19 pandemic time. To convince ourselves, let’s throw back our imagination into the beginning of 2000, around two decades ago. What would be happening if a pandemic like Covid-19 hit us at that time. I am sure that we would get very different stories, especially in the contexts where the reliable and affordable ICT had not yet in place.
We understood that during this challenging time, effectiveness is much more important than perfection, especially in the inception time of the pandemic. But nowadays, we should re-emphasize how to improve the quality of our life, in terms of works, learning, and so on. Our claim of emergency after the Covid-19 pandemic hitting us more than one and a half year may not be valid any longer, or at least, less valid.
Secondly, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated our ICT adoption. I observe that ICT is a game-changer for those who are able to adapt quickly. Here, we may discuss about the first movers’ advantages.
The Covid-19 pandemic should not be seen only as catastrophic calamity that needs to be properly and collectively mitigated, but it is also a blessing in disguise. For those who able to creatively harvest the benefits of ICT, a good installed-base of ICT ecosystem may serve as a springboard for future development.
Thirdly, ICT has proven to open access to a broader audience. Hence, we may consider ICT as a liberator. We witness that access to various useful services and contents is made possible by the use of ICT, especially the Internet.
However, we should not forget about the digital divide, not only between countries but also within a country. Indonesia is not an exception. Orchestrated efforts should be made to narrow the divide.
I do understand, this is a real huge challenge to connect all islands in an archipelagic country like Indonesia. But, the government with the help of other actors should do that.
Otherwise, the advancement of ICT will become a curse that widen the digital divide and challenge the inclusiveness. We should make all efforts to make sure that no one left behind. The efforts may take years or even decades to accomplish.
In a more specific academic community, broader eduroam initiatives to support national or global mobility and a massive id federation development may be seen as a subtle but a significant step towards the inclusiveness by opening the door for resource sharing initiatives.
A well-established and inclusive research and education network (REN) is another important idea that should be materialized soon in Indonesia. Today, we, in Indonesia, have started the initiatives, to some extent. And, we do hope that a critical mass of adoption can be achieved in the near future.
Once again, I would like to extend our gratitude to APAN, Professor Nizam, Professor Ari Fahrial Syam, Mr. Louis Hyunhop Choi, all the sponsors, all the speakers, the chair and the member of organizing committee, and all the participants.
I wish that all of you will find this virtual meeting personally rewarding, academically insightful, and professionally relevance.
A welcoming address in the opening of the 52 Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Virtual Meeting, hosted by Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2-6 August 2021
UII Melepas Mahasiswa Awardee IISMA 2021
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) melepas 24 mahasiswa awardee program Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021 pada Jumat (13/8) secara daring. Ke 24 mahasiswa tersebut terdiri dari 11 mahasiswa program regular dan 13 mahasiswa program internasional yang berasal dari 19 program studi. Para mahasiswa ini akan berangkat menuju 15 universitas di 10 negara tujuan yang tersebar di benu Asia, Eropa dan Amerika Utara. Sebanyak 23 mahasiswa akan berangkat menuju 14 universitas tujuan pada bulan Agustus dan September 2021, sedangkan seorang mahasiswa yang menjadi awardee IISMA dengan tujuan University of Korea akan berangkat pada awal tahun 2022.
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Seminar sebagai Ritual Akademik
Seminar adalah majelis ilmu. Di dalamnya beragam konsep, temuan riset, dan gagasan baru dipaparkan dan didiskusikan. Seminar juga mengundang komunitas yang menjadi salah satu penciri kematangan sebuah disiplin. Selain munculnya komunitas, penciri disiplin lain adalah adanya ‘badan pengetahuan’ dan publikasi yang konsisten.
Karena seminar diselenggarakan berulang dan melibatkan banyak orang, tidak berlebihan jika kita juga memasukkannyan sebagai ritual. Atau, lebih tepatnya ritual akademik. Literatur di bidang sosiologi organisasi menaruh perhatian khusus pada praktik ritual, yang sangat penting dalam membangun budaya. Dalam konteks ini aadlah budaya akademik.
Pemimpin organisasi atau komunitas dapat dengan mudah memaparkan nilai-nilai dalam banyak kesempatan dan kanal, tetapi ritual akan mempublikasikan nilai tersebut secara terbuka. Seminar yang secara istikamah dijalankan, juga mengindikasikan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh penyelenggaranya.
Literatur mencatat beragam manfaat dari ritual yang konsisten dijalankan. Termasuk di antaranya adalah menjaga eksistensi, mendekatkan anggota organisasi/komunitas, menyatukan irama langkah, menjaga moral, dan lain-lain. Karenanya, ritual mempunyai makna yang dalam, lebih dari sekedar yang terlihat di permukaan.
Nah, supaya ritual menjadi bermakna, maka harus disuntik dengan nilai-nilai. Seminar adalah etalase hasil riset. Temuan riset yang menarik adalah sebuah nikmat yang harus disyukuri. Temuan yang berbeda dengan harapan awal, bisa jadi bahkan menjadi “angsa hitam” yang distingtif dan menawarkan tilikan baru. Nikmat ini perlu disyukuri, dan salah satu cara adalah dengan menuliskan temuan riset tersebut untuk dikabarkan. Ini adalah tahadduts bi an-ni’mah.
Dengan merekam hasil riset dalam tulisan, atau untuk konteks kekinian dalam bentuk rekaman artefak, gambar, audio, atau video, akan memperpanjang usia gagasan. Gagasan akhirnya bisa diakses oleh semakin banyak orang.
Hal ini akan memungkinan ruang diskusi yang terbuka dan pengembangan temuan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Dalam bahasa agama Islam, memperpanjang umur gagasan adalah membuka pintu amal jariyah, yang pahalanya tak putus bahkan setelah penemunya wafat.
Rekaman hasil riset yang dibagi juga akan memantik imajinasi kolektif. Rekaman tersebut adalah hasil abstraksi atas fenomena. Kemampuan abtraksi manusia ini oleh Al-Qur’an disebut dengan al-bayan. Allahlah yang mengajarkan al-bayan ini kepada manusia, dengan mempergunakan semua potensi kemanusiaannya, termasuk hati, penglihatan, dan pendengaran.
Perubahan-perubahan besar di muka bumi tidak terlepas dari imajinasi. Imajinasi kolektif akan memberikan hasil yang lebih dahsyat, dieksekusi secara berjamaah dan konsisten. Kegagalan dalam mengimajinasi masa depan merupakan awal buruk dalam membangun sebuah perubahan.
Inilah proses pembentukan peradaban. Peradaban mungkin berasal dari proses solilokui, perbincangan internal seorang aktor. Semuanya selalu melibatkan dialog dan bahkan polilog yang melibatkan banyak aktor. Dan, seminar sebagai ritual akademik membuka pintu dialog ini.
Elaborasi ringkas dari sambutan pada pembukaan Seminar Nasional Karya dan Pameran Arsitektur Indonesia 2021 (Sakapari 8) yang diselenggarakan oleh Jurusan Arsitektur, Universitas Islam Indonesia, 14 Agustus 2021.
Rektor Ajak Sivitas Akademika UII Teladani Nilai Artidjo Alkostar
Penganugerahan Bintang Mahaputera Adipradana kepada mendiang Artidjo Alkostar oleh Presiden Joko Widodo disambut dengan rasa syukur oleh segenap sivitas akademika UII. Artidjo tidak hanya dikenal sebagai hakim agung, namun juga dosen sekaligus alumni UII yang dekat dengan sivitas akademika. Rektor UII, Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D mengenal mendiang Artidjo sebagai sosok yang penuh dengan integritas dan berdedikasi tinggi dalam menegakkan nilai-nilai kebenaran, meski mendapat banyak rintangan. “Artidjo Alkostar telah mengalahkan rasa takut pribadiya sendiri hingga tidak punya rasa takut lagi demi menegakkan nilai-nilai kebenaran tersebut”, kenangnya.
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Mahasiswa UII Ikuti Pembekalan Beasiswa Mobilitas Internasional
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) menjadi tuan rumah dalam acara briefing virtual pra-keberangkatan mahasiswa program Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021. Para mahasiswa tersebut akan berangkat ke Irlandia bersama dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) London. Acara virtual ini dihadiri perwakilan kelompok kerja (Pokja) Kampus Merdeka, perwakilan KBRI London, pimpinan UII, dan perwakilan Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) dari masing-masing universitas penerima beasiswa IISMA.
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Beragam Topik Hukum Bisnis Dibahas dalam Business Law Expo 2021
Business Law Community Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia (BLC FH UII) menyelenggarakan Business Law Expo 2021 pada 7-28 Agustus 2021. BLC FH UII merupakan study club di Fakultas Hukum UII yang bergerak di bidang akademik hukum bisnis.
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Akreditasi Unggul, Wujud Komitmen UII Tingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan
Komitmen Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) untuk mendidik calon cendekiawan dan pemimpin masa depan bangsa terus dibuktikan dengan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Hal ini nampak melalui raihan akreditasi unggul institusi UII yang termaktub dalam Surat Keputusan BAN-PT No. 705/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/PT/VIII/2021.
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Sinergi UII dan RS JIH Terus Berlanjut
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan Rumah Sakit JIH (RS JIH) menujukkan komitmennya untuk bersama-sama peduli dan turut andil merespons persoalan bangsa. Salah satunya adalah persolan akan pandemi Covid-19 yang membutuhkan upaya kolektif dari berbagai pihak untuk mengurainya.
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ICT: Life-saviour, Game-changer, and Liberator
I am quiet confidence to say that without any discussion, we will agree that Covid-19 pandemic has changed our life dramatically. However, giving up or waving a white flag is not an option. Instead, we have to mitigate it and find creative ways to cope with it.
I invite all of you to join me to stop blaming the situation. A Chinese proverb tells us: it’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Indeed, the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) has open many doors of possibilities. Today, the practices of working from home, e-learning, and e-commerce, to name a few, are already commonplace and widely accepted without meaningless debate.
I urge us to not using a bird view which is too high to observe the details on the ground. But instead, we may use a dragonfly view with the multifaceted and colourful perspectives. By doing so, we may stay close to the phenomenon and grasp an overview without losing the details or the specificities of each context.
In this short welcoming remarks, I will share some perspectives that hopefully they will bind together our collective experiences.
Firstly, I observe that ICT is a life-saviour during the Covid-19 pandemic time. To convince ourselves, let’s throw back our imagination into the beginning of 2000, around two decades ago. What would be happening if a pandemic like Covid-19 hit us at that time. I am sure that we would get very different stories, especially in the contexts where the reliable and affordable ICT had not yet in place.
We understood that during this challenging time, effectiveness is much more important than perfection, especially in the inception time of the pandemic. But nowadays, we should re-emphasize how to improve the quality of our life, in terms of works, learning, and so on. Our claim of emergency after the Covid-19 pandemic hitting us more than one and a half year may not be valid any longer, or at least, less valid.
Secondly, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated our ICT adoption. I observe that ICT is a game-changer for those who are able to adapt quickly. Here, we may discuss about the first movers’ advantages.
The Covid-19 pandemic should not be seen only as catastrophic calamity that needs to be properly and collectively mitigated, but it is also a blessing in disguise. For those who able to creatively harvest the benefits of ICT, a good installed-base of ICT ecosystem may serve as a springboard for future development.
Thirdly, ICT has proven to open access to a broader audience. Hence, we may consider ICT as a liberator. We witness that access to various useful services and contents is made possible by the use of ICT, especially the Internet.
However, we should not forget about the digital divide, not only between countries but also within a country. Indonesia is not an exception. Orchestrated efforts should be made to narrow the divide.
I do understand, this is a real huge challenge to connect all islands in an archipelagic country like Indonesia. But, the government with the help of other actors should do that.
Otherwise, the advancement of ICT will become a curse that widen the digital divide and challenge the inclusiveness. We should make all efforts to make sure that no one left behind. The efforts may take years or even decades to accomplish.
In a more specific academic community, broader eduroam initiatives to support national or global mobility and a massive id federation development may be seen as a subtle but a significant step towards the inclusiveness by opening the door for resource sharing initiatives.
A well-established and inclusive research and education network (REN) is another important idea that should be materialized soon in Indonesia. Today, we, in Indonesia, have started the initiatives, to some extent. And, we do hope that a critical mass of adoption can be achieved in the near future.
Once again, I would like to extend our gratitude to APAN, Professor Nizam, Professor Ari Fahrial Syam, Mr. Louis Hyunhop Choi, all the sponsors, all the speakers, the chair and the member of organizing committee, and all the participants.
I wish that all of you will find this virtual meeting personally rewarding, academically insightful, and professionally relevance.
A welcoming address in the opening of the 52 Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) Virtual Meeting, hosted by Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2-6 August 2021
Menimbang Dampak Positif dan Negatif Gim Daring
Menjamurnya berbagai gim daring yang begitu mudah diakses lewat gawai telah menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Sebagian pihak menilai gim daring hanya menyuguhkan sisi hiburan semata namun menyimpan sisi negatif. Di sisi lain, gim saat ini juga diakui telah menjadi sarana hiburan pengalih stres ketika harus berdiam diri di rumah karena pandemi.
Lukman, S.Ag., M.Pd pada acara Kajian Rutin Malam Jumat pada Kamis (5/8) menilai salah satu sisi positif bermain gim menurutnya adalah menghasilkan pundi-pundi rupiah. Sudah lazim gim saat ini tidak hanya menjadi sarana hiburan namun juga bisnis. Kajian bertema “Bermain Mobile Games Apa Positifnya?” itu diadakan oleh Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) FIAI UII melalui Zoom Meeting.
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Keluarga Dosen dan Karyawan UII Mendapat Vaksin Covid-19
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) kembali melanjutkan program vaksinasi Covid-19. Secara bertahap, kali ini vaksinasi diperuntukkan bagi keluarga dosen, karyawan, dan warga sekitar kampus UII dengan jumlah 1000 dosis vaksin sinovac. Bekerja sama dengan Puskesmas Ngemplak 1 dan Rumah Sakit JIH, pelaksanaan vaksinasi digelar di Auditorium Abdulkahar Mudzakkir, pada Sabtu (7/8).
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