The theme selected by the International Conference on Islamic Studies and Social Sciences (ICONISSS) 2021, to me, is indeed both important and interesting: “Discovering New Landscape of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences in The Digital Age”, for at least three reasons.
Fast changing context
Firstly, the changing context, or to be precise, the fast-changing context. We are challenged to make sense the rapid changes in our surroundings. The advance of information technologies, for example, has affected almost every aspects of our life. New norms (new ways of doing business, learning, making social relation, accessing various services, to name a few) are invented, designed, practiced, routinized, and eventually they become embedded in our daily life.
Some of us embrace these new norms wholeheartedly and happily, while some others show denialism to various extent. The former group is actively engaged and make the norms become initialized, while the latter group often see the changes as threats to the well-established social norms.
At the end, this may create tension to some extent. But, through the eyes of academics, I am sure that the tension can be seen as positive stimulation for further inquiries and continuously provoke our thoughts.
We also need to pay more attention to other global issues, such as climate change, energy shortage, deforestation, inequality, corruption, unemployment, pollution, and so on.
Assumption and reality incongruence
Secondly, in some cases, the existing concepts or theories are no longer able to equip us with analytical lenses to better comprehend the contemporary social phenomena. We understand that many concepts are introduced based on previous past time observation and experiences. The underlying philosophical assumptions behind the existing concepts or theories may no longer fit with nowadays’ realities. Hence, we need to re-interpret them or even complement them with new vocabularies, new concepts, or even new theories.
Context specificities may also demand indigenous perspective to make sense or grasp the meaning of social phenomena as socially constructed realities. This is a challenge for social sciences to enable us to better comprehend the contemporary world.
At the same time, social sciences will also inspire us and provide insights in designing possible social intervention programs that lead to significant progression.
Contextualised Islamic teachings
Thirdly, when it comes to Islamic studies, there is no different. Islamic scholars need to continuously contextualize the Islamic teachings and values. We may easily agree that as the religion (al-din) have already reached the final form, as mentioned by Allah in the Holy Qur’an, surah Al-Ma’idah verse 3. Allah said “Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way.”
If we believe that Al-Qur’an, and hence Islam, is compatible with every time and place, then the challenge is how to operationalize the Islamic norms in various contexts. Since its early time, Islamic teachings have been accepted by people from various backgrounds. Today, in the modern time, we witness that they are accepted and practiced by people from various countries and continents throughout the world.
The character of Islamic teachings which are open for other progressive ideas makes them compatible with human perennial values, such as honesty and justice. But today’s challenges make us even harder to maintain the relevance of Islamic teachings in the modern society with all its progressions.
Muslim, in general, and Muslim scholars, in particular, owe collective homework to do to ensure that Islamic teachings are becoming part of the solution and not the problems. Otherwise, one may continuously ask the relevance of Islamic teachings.
Hence, today, I am more than happy to open this conference that attracts scholars from various backgrounds to discuss important aspects of social sciences and Islamic studies and their connection with the contemporary issues.
I am sure that various perspectives that will be shared by the speakers and the participants in this conference will provide meaningful insights and stimulate further discussion in the area of concern: the relevance of Islamic studies and social sciences in the digital age.
Opening remarks at the International Conference on Islamic Studies and Social Sciences (ICONISSS) 2021 held by the Faculty of Islamic Studies Universitas Islam Indonesia, 18 November 2021.
Membangun Koneksi Karir Melalui Digital Networking
Direktorat Pengembangan Karier dan Alumni (DPKA) Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar program Career Training yang dilaksanakan secara virtual pada Sabtu (20/11). Setelah mendapatkan materi dasar mengenai “Build Professional Network” pada bulan sebelumnya, mahasiswa UII yang hadir pada kesempatan kali ini dibekali dengan materi lanjutan mengenai cara mengoptimalkan jejaring digital lewat sosial media.
Dian Ayu Amalia, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog sebagai pemateri pertama menjelaskan mengapa membangun jejaring atau networking penting dalam pengembangan karir. “Networking itu tentang membangun hubungan mutualisme jangka panjang dengan orang yang kamu temui. Saat kamu memutuskan berinvestasi pada sebuah network baik di ranah profesional maupun pribadi, itu bisa membayar dividen sepanjang karir yang kalian jalani”, terang Dian.
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Maju Mundur Harga PCR di Indonesia
Pusat Studi Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia (PSH FH UII) menyelenggarakan diskusi “Maju Mundur Kebijakan Harga PCR” pada Sabtu (20/11). Diskusi ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka menjawab problematika harga tes PCR di Indonesia, dengan menghadirkan para pembicara di antaranya, dr. Fery Rahman, M.KM. (Wasekjen PB IDI), Bayu Satria Wiratama, Ph.D. (Koordinator Tim Medis Kawal Covid-19), Dr. Siti Anisah, S.H., M.H. (Dosen Fakultas Hukum UII), dan Dr. Fadhil Hasan (Ekonom Senior Institutes for Development of Economics and Finance).
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Melejitkan Potensi UMKM Lewat Digitalisasi
Digitalisasi UMKM perlu terus diperkuat untuk mendukung akselerasi pengembangannya. Pasalnya, digitalisasi menjadi pintu masuk meningkatkan akses pasar, tidak hanya pasar lokal melainkan juga pasar global. Kemajuan teknologi ini dapat membantu UMKM dalam membangun value dari usaha yang sedang dirintis. Dengan teknologi yang ada saat ini juga dapat meningkatkan pelayanan yang lebih baik. Hal inilah yang dapat membuat seseorang mau menjadi pelanggan.
Seperti disampaikan Saiful Islam (Praktisi Inbound Marketing Co-founder Education Platform for SME) pada Webinar Nasional “Tahapan Transformasi Digital pada UKM” yang digelar FBE UII pada Sabtu (20/11).
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Coping with Change
The theme selected by the International Conference on Islamic Studies and Social Sciences (ICONISSS) 2021, to me, is indeed both important and interesting: “Discovering New Landscape of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences in The Digital Age”, for at least three reasons.
Fast changing context
Firstly, the changing context, or to be precise, the fast-changing context. We are challenged to make sense the rapid changes in our surroundings. The advance of information technologies, for example, has affected almost every aspects of our life. New norms (new ways of doing business, learning, making social relation, accessing various services, to name a few) are invented, designed, practiced, routinized, and eventually they become embedded in our daily life.
Some of us embrace these new norms wholeheartedly and happily, while some others show denialism to various extent. The former group is actively engaged and make the norms become initialized, while the latter group often see the changes as threats to the well-established social norms.
At the end, this may create tension to some extent. But, through the eyes of academics, I am sure that the tension can be seen as positive stimulation for further inquiries and continuously provoke our thoughts.
We also need to pay more attention to other global issues, such as climate change, energy shortage, deforestation, inequality, corruption, unemployment, pollution, and so on.
Assumption and reality incongruence
Secondly, in some cases, the existing concepts or theories are no longer able to equip us with analytical lenses to better comprehend the contemporary social phenomena. We understand that many concepts are introduced based on previous past time observation and experiences. The underlying philosophical assumptions behind the existing concepts or theories may no longer fit with nowadays’ realities. Hence, we need to re-interpret them or even complement them with new vocabularies, new concepts, or even new theories.
Context specificities may also demand indigenous perspective to make sense or grasp the meaning of social phenomena as socially constructed realities. This is a challenge for social sciences to enable us to better comprehend the contemporary world.
At the same time, social sciences will also inspire us and provide insights in designing possible social intervention programs that lead to significant progression.
Contextualised Islamic teachings
Thirdly, when it comes to Islamic studies, there is no different. Islamic scholars need to continuously contextualize the Islamic teachings and values. We may easily agree that as the religion (al-din) have already reached the final form, as mentioned by Allah in the Holy Qur’an, surah Al-Ma’idah verse 3. Allah said “Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way.”
If we believe that Al-Qur’an, and hence Islam, is compatible with every time and place, then the challenge is how to operationalize the Islamic norms in various contexts. Since its early time, Islamic teachings have been accepted by people from various backgrounds. Today, in the modern time, we witness that they are accepted and practiced by people from various countries and continents throughout the world.
The character of Islamic teachings which are open for other progressive ideas makes them compatible with human perennial values, such as honesty and justice. But today’s challenges make us even harder to maintain the relevance of Islamic teachings in the modern society with all its progressions.
Muslim, in general, and Muslim scholars, in particular, owe collective homework to do to ensure that Islamic teachings are becoming part of the solution and not the problems. Otherwise, one may continuously ask the relevance of Islamic teachings.
Hence, today, I am more than happy to open this conference that attracts scholars from various backgrounds to discuss important aspects of social sciences and Islamic studies and their connection with the contemporary issues.
I am sure that various perspectives that will be shared by the speakers and the participants in this conference will provide meaningful insights and stimulate further discussion in the area of concern: the relevance of Islamic studies and social sciences in the digital age.
Opening remarks at the International Conference on Islamic Studies and Social Sciences (ICONISSS) 2021 held by the Faculty of Islamic Studies Universitas Islam Indonesia, 18 November 2021.
Integrasi Pengetahuan sebagai Kerja Institusional
Salah satu kritik yang ditujukan pada inisiatif untuk menyusun kembali pengetahuan di bawah kerangka epistemologi Islam (integrasi pengetahuan) adalah kurangnya buku teks yang relevan tersedia di pasar. Dalam konteks psikologi, buku-buku yang ditulis oleh bapak pendiri psikologi Islam, Allahu yarham Prof. Malik Badri, termasuk di antara sedikit yang dapat kita jumpai.
Saya termasuk orang yang percaya bahwa inisiatif ini harus dilanjutkan secara kolektif oleh komunitas psikologi Islam. Ketersediaan buku dan literatur lainnya merupakan salah satu prasyarat suatu disiplin ilmu.
Mohon koreksi jika salah, saya mengamati bahwa psikologi Islam dapat berkembang lebih jauh sebagai disiplin baru, atau setidaknya subdisiplin yang kuat dalam disiplin psikologi.
Prasyarat lain dari suatu disiplin adalah adanya komunitas pembelajaran (learning communities). Sekali lagi, saya melihat bahwa kelanjutan kursus intensif psikologi Islam yang menarik saudara-saudara kita di seluruh dunia ini merupakan indikasi kuat. Kursus intensif yang kami buka hari ini adalah yang ketiga, dan akan diadakan selama bulan Oktober 2021 setiap hari Sabtu dan Ahad. Saya percaya bahwa orang-orang yang rela mengorbankan hari liburnya untuk menuntut ilmu atau belajar adalah orang-orang yang baik.
Kita juga dapat memasukkan indikator disiplin lain ke dalam daftar, termasuk pendirian The International Association of Islamic Psychology pada 2017 oleh Allahu yarham Prof Malik Badri dan al-sabiquna al-awalun lainnya. Demikian pula dengan berdirinya International Association of Muslim Psychologist (IAMP) yang dipimpin oleh Dr. Bagus Riyono. Kita juga dapat menemukan organisasi serupa di banyak negara.
Kita harus memberikan apresiasi yang besar kepada International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) Indonesia, di bawah pimpinan Bapak Habib Chirzin yang tanpa lelah selalu memberikan dukungan terhadap inisiatif integrasi pengetahuan ini.
Oleh karena itu, saya membayangkan bahwa semua proses pengembangan psikologi Islam oleh berbagai aktor adalah kerja institusional (institutional work), yang bertujuan untuk membentuk disiplin baru. Dalam pengertian ini, proses pelembagaan atau institusionalisasi terjadi setidaknya melalui pendekatan penanaman nilai-nilai Islam dan tipifikasi ketika sekelompok aktor tertentu bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas tertentu. Ketika sebuah praktik menjadi melembaga, maka tidak lagi bergantung pada pionir atau aktor utama, diterima secara luas tanpa perdebatan yang tidak bermakna, dan menjadi bagian dari budaya sehari-hari.
Pada akhirnya, kita bisa bersama-sama memeriksa apakah psikologi Islam sudah berkembang menjadi disiplin baru. Kita dapat melihat beberapa indikator tambahan berikut.
Di dalamnya termasuk ketersediaan (1) definisi formal dari disiplin;(2) basis pengetahuan umum; (3) sekelompok masalah penelitian yang unik; (4) teori pemersatu; (5) prosedur dan metode penelitianyang diterima komunitas; dan (6) visi bersama tentang signifikansi domain studi; (7) program pascasarjana dan mahasiswa; (8) komunitas peneliti di banyak belahan dunia; (9) asosiasi akademik maupun profesional; (10) jurnal dan konferensi yang mapan; dan (11) interaksi yang kuat antara disiplin akademik dan bidang praktik.
Pemikiran tersebut didasarkan pada literatur dan refleksi saya, seseorang yang bukan berasal dari pendidikan psikologi Islam. Mohon koreksi jika saya memberikan kesan atau kesimpulan yang menyesatkan.
Sambutan dalam pembukaan The 3rd International Intensive Course on Islamic Psychology (IICIP 2021) yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya, Universitas Islam Indonesia, pada 1 Oktober 2021.
Membuat Photo Story Menarik Untuk Konten
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII menyelenggarakan webinar “Inspiring the World with Creative Production” pada Selasa (16/11). Acara ini merupakan bagian dari P2A ICE CREAM (Passage to ASEAN International CoursE on CREAtive Media) yang bekerja sama dengan SCIMPA Universiti Utara Malaysia dan Duy Tan University Vietnam. Audiens yang hadir pada kesempatan tersebut merupakan mahasiswa berbagai lintas negara ASEAN.
Pembicara Denty Piawai Nastitie yang merupakan seorang jurnalis sekaligus fotografer membawakan tema “Make Your Personal Photo Story”. Nastitie memberikan pengetahuan kepada audiens untuk mengembangkan nilai dalam memotret gambar melalui foto story. ‘Photo story’ atau foto essay sendiri adalah satu hingga beberapa rangkaian seri potret foto yang disajikan menjadi bentuk cerita yang menyentuh atau menggugah.
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Puncak Milad Ke-26 FMIPA UII Berlangsung Semarak
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Islam Indonesia (FMIPA UII) menggelar acara puncak Miladnya yang ke-26 secara virtual pada Minggu (14/11). Sebelumnya, telah digelar berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka menyemarakkan Milad kali ini. Beberapa di antaranya adalah pengabdian masyarakat, lomba jingle unit serta rangkaian lomba olahraga meliputi bulu tangkis, tenis meja, fun bike, dan lomba sepeda lambat.
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Student Festival 2021 Sukses Digelar
Rangkaian kegiatan Student Festival Universitas Islam Indonesia (StuFest) 2021 sukses digelar dan secara resmi ditutup pada Sabtu (13/11). Jalannya penyelenggaraan StuFest diakhiri dengan pengumuman para pemenang lomba dari kategori Digital Campaign Competition, UKM Award, Short Story Competition, Innovation Challenge, dan Open Talent. Pada pelaksanaan StuFest kali ini, beberapa mahasiswa baru turut unjuk gigi dan berhasil meraih juara.
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Belajar Personal Branding Bersama Ekida Rehan
Personal branding melalui media sosial menjadi salah satu metode yang potensial guna meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Berekspresi melalui media sosial sendiri merupakan hal yang tidak sulit namun juga tidak bisa dianggap sepele. Tentunya butuh ketekunan dan konsistensi agar image dalam diri kita bisa disambut baik oleh orang lain. Menanggapi hal ini, Direktorat Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Islam Indonesia (DPK UII) mengundang Ekida Rehan Firmansya yang merupakan calon dokter sekaligus content creator dalam webinar kegiatan Student Festival (StuFest) 2021 yang digelar pada Sabtu (13/11).
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Komika Ridwan Remin Ajak Mahasiswa Tingkatkan Kualitas Diri
Komika Indonesia Muhamad Ridwan atau lebih dikenal dengan nama panggung Ridwan Remin berbagi kiat sukses dalam webinar bertajuk “Be a good speaker for better future pada Sabtu (13/11) secara daring. Rangkaian kegiatan Student Festival (Stufest) 2021” yang di helat Direktorat Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) ini cukup menarik perhatian. Tidak kurang dari 830 mahasiswa turut megikuti jalannya webinar tersebut.
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