Creating Scholars and Future Leaders

Joining Universitas Islam Indonesia allows you to discover a unique learning experience combining science in many academic program options and implementation of Islamic values to develop good manners and integrity, with the support from various talent-interest activities to maximize your potential.

Welcome to Universitas Islam Indonesia

As a pioneer of higher education in Indonesia, UII is deep-rooted in the tradition of academic freedom with which diversity of ideas is highly appreciated. With a highly motivating learning environment and potential for innovation, we are committed to educate our students to be innovative global leaders.

We also seek various collaboration programs in education and learning, research, community service, and dawa islamiya. UII’s global partnership network has opened vast opportunity to actualize many ideas, actions, and environment and society-benefiting contributions.

Thank you for taking your time to visit our website.

Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

  • Our Vision

    Implementing Universitas Islam Indonesia as rahmatan lil ‘alamin (mercy for the universe), committed to excellence, Islamic teaching, education, research, community service, and dawa, on a par with qualified universities in powerhouse countries.

    Universitas Islam Indonesia aspires to become a mercy for all humankind, an internationally recognized university committed to perfection and Islamic values in the field of education, research, community service, and da’wa.

  • Our Mission

    Upholding Qur’an and Sunnah as the absolute source of truth and blessing for the universe, and supporting Indonesia’s noble and sacred ideals in nurturing the nation’s intellectual life by making endeavors to generate devoted, ethical, and skillful muslim scholars; knowledgeable in practice and practicing with knowledge; developing and disseminating science, technology, and arts guided by Islamic values; building a fair and prosperous society and nation of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution blessed by Allah, the Glorious and Exalted is He; and comprehending, developing, and disseminating the comprehension of Islamic teachings to be embraced and lived by the University members and the society at large.

    Upholding Qur’an and Sunnah as the absolute source of truth and blessing for all humankind, and supporting Indonesia’s noble and sacred ideals in nurturing the nation’s intellectual life through the effort of: a) Generating devoted, ethical, and skillful muslim scholars; b) Developing and disseminating science, technology, and arts guided by the Islamic values; c) Building a fair and prosperous society blessed by Allah, based on Pancasila and the Constitution; and d) Comprehending, developing, and spreading the Islamic teachings to be lived and practiced by the university members and the society at large.

Getting to Know More About Us

Founded in 1945, Universitas Islam Indonesia became a pioneer of higher education in the country. Find out various information about UII.

Leadership & Management

University leaders, faculties, majors, study programs, and units for 2022-2026.

Historical Journey

A glimpse of UII historical journey from the past to the present

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan of Universitas Islam Indonesia for 2022-2026.

Terms Usage Guide

Terms for units and positions in English in UII environment

Contacts & Campus Location

Information on key contacts and address of UII campus

Rector’s Corner

A blog page featuring remarks on activities,
ideas, and opinion by the Rector of UII

Logo & Brand Guide

Information on UII logo and brand usage guide

Hymn & March

Download hymn and march of Universitas Islam Indonesia as an audio file

Social Media Guidelines

Information on social media usage for units and academic society of UII

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2022.