UII News Room

Keep yourself updated with the newest information on different activities in the campus of Universitas Islam Indonesia.
UII News Room is managed by the Public Relations Department – Executive Secretariat.

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Latest News

Mahasiswa FH UII Raih Juara 1 Legal Opinion Piala Hafni Sjahruddin 2021

Mahasiswa FH UII Raih Juara 1 Legal Opinion Piala Hafni Sjahruddin 2021

Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia (FH UII) menorehkan prestasi di lomba tingkat nasional. Ahmad Fajar Fawas Fadillah mahasiswa semester...
Magister Akuntansi UII Soroti Kebijakan Perpajakan dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional

Magister Akuntansi UII Soroti Kebijakan Perpajakan dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional

Pajak telah menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan negara yang cukup besar. Karenanya di tengah pandemi Covid-19, negara telah menggelontorkan berbagai...
Peringati Hari Apoteker Sedunia, Farmasi UII Gelar Vaksinasi Covid-19

Peringati Hari Apoteker Sedunia, Farmasi UII Gelar Vaksinasi Covid-19

Dalam rangka memperingat World Pharmacist Day (Hari Apoteker Sedunia) yang jatuh pada 25 September tiap tahunnya, Jurusan Farmasi Fakultas Matematika...
Mahasiswa FK UII Juara 3 Nasional Video Edukasi

Mahasiswa FK UII Juara 3 Nasional Video Edukasi

Tiga mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) meraih juara tiga video edukasi pada Interfaculty of Medicine Scientific Competition...
Pentingnya Ukhuwah Islamiyah

Pentingnya Ukhuwah Islamiyah

BIGBANG 2021 Center for Medical Activities (CMIA) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengadakan kajian mengenai urgensi ukhuwah islamiyah ditengah...
Perempuan Di Tengah Pusaran Korupsi

Perempuan Di Tengah Pusaran Korupsi

Pusat Studi Hukum Konstitusi (PSHK) FH UII menyelenggarakan diskusi aktual bertemakan “Perempuan Di Tengah Pusaran Korupsi” dengan narasumber yaitu Titi...

Reach out to
UII Public Relations Department

Media journalists who look for information on UII or references as well as expert opinions from Universitas Islam Indonesia can contact UII Public Relations Department at the following address.

Prabuningrat Building
(East Wing, 1st Floor)
Rectorate of Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55584

Phone: 0274-898444
Mobile/Whatsapp: 0821-3173-7773
email: [email protected]

VIP Magazine

VIP Magazine is a regularly-published proprietary bilingual corporate magazine of Universitas Islam Indonesia. It is available for online reading and in electronic format for download.

UII News

UIINews is the successor of and replacement for bimonthly university magazine “Warta Kampus” which published its first edition on 15 January 1988 and later renamed in July 2003.

Follow UII on social media

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]uii.ac.id

Institutional Accreditation A. Universitas Islam Indonesia has received institutional accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) since 2013.