Professional Pharmacist
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Professional Pharmacist Study Program (PSPA) of UII is the first study program in Indonesia to develop block system based learning system, Problem Based Learning (PBL), for professional pharmacist level. The curriculum of PSPA UII emphasizes practices through the Pharmacist Professional Work Practices (PKPA) supported by case based learning. The study program excels in the field of Health Promotion with practices in the community. The developed learning system provides spaces for students to learn real cases in the pharmaceutical practices by polishing communication as well as evidence based analytical and critical thinking soft skills. PSPA UII has partnered up with various domestic and foreign institutions (Pharmacies, Hospitals, Industries, Health Services, National Agency of Drug and Food Control, Community Health Centers, and Pharmaceutical Wholesalers) to support the Pharmacist Professional Work Practices.
Career Opportunities
Pharmacists can build their career in Pharmacies, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Industries, Government Agencies as Civil Servants (Health Services, Hospitals, Community Health Centers, and National Agency of Drug and Food Control), Drug Distribution (Pharmaceutical Wholesalers), Herbal Medicine Industries, and Education.
Application Requirements and Procedures
The admission process will be conducted in two phases following the schedule below:
The First Phase
Online Enrollment | 10-17 July 2020 |
Announcement of Administrative Selection Results | 21 July 2020 |
Online Test in Pharmaceutical and Religious | 22 July 2020 |
Interview | 23 July 2020 |
Announcement of Final Results | 27 July 2020 |
Registration | 28-29 July 2020 |
Inaugural Lecture | 18 August 2020 |
The Second Phase
Online Enrollment | 30 July – 5 August 2020 |
Announcement of Administrative Selection Results | 7 August 2020 |
Online Test in Pharmaceutical and Religious | 8 August 2020 |
Interview | 10 August 2020 |
Announcement of Final Results | 12 August 2020 |
Registration | 13- 14 August 2020 |
Inaugural Lecture | 18 August 2020 |
The Result AnnouncementThe Result Announcement consists of the announcement of administrative selection results and the announcement of final results of the accepted new students. Students who pass the administrative selections may continue to the next stages of the test. Students who are announced as accepted in the first phase must register in the first phase as well. They might lose the rights as new students if they do not register on the specified schedule.
Requirements of Enrollment
For the Alumni of Bachelor of Pharmacy of UII
For the Alumni of Bachelor of Pharmacy of Other Universities
The Enrollment Process
The mechanism of the enrollment process of Student Admission for the 37th Professional Pharmacist Study Program are as follows:
The prospective students enroll online by visiting
The Payment Process
The Filing Process
Attaching the required documents to
Components and Estimated Tuition Fees
Enrollment | Rp 450,000.- |
The first installment of The First Phase (28-29 July 2020)
UII Alumni Non UII Alumni The Second Phase (14-15 Augusts 2020) UII Alumni Non UII Alumni |
Rp 7,500,000.-
Rp 17,500,000.- Rp 7,500,000.- Rp 17,500,000.- |
The second installment (5-8 October 2020) | Rp 7,500,000.- |
The third installment (4-16 January 2021) | Rp 7,500,000.- |
The fourth installment (5-16 April 2021) | Rp 5,000,000.- |
The Tuition Fee includes : Learning Operational, Job Training, Local Examinations, and Graduation/Pharmacist Oath Fee. It excludes CBT and OSCE of the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test Fee.
Global Mobility Program
The partnership with the Pharmaceutical Industry IKOP IIUM Malaysia enable students to undergo Pharmaceutical Industry Professional Work Practices in Kuantan, Malaysia.
Further Information
For more information, please contact :
Secretariat of Professional Pharmacist Study Program
Kampus Terpadu Jl. Kaliurang Km 14,5 Yogyakarta 55584
Phone. : (0274) 898585 ext.3049
Fax. : (0274) 896439
Email : [email protected]
Web :
Facebook : Jurusan Farmasi Uii Yogyakarta
Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.
Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia
Academic Degree |
Apt. – Professional |
Duration of Study |
2 Semester (estimated full-time study) |
Campus Location |
Gedung Ace Partadiredja Kampus Condongcatur Ring Road Utara, Condongcatur, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283 |
Accreditation |
National Accreditation: ❯ Unggul (LAM-PTKes) International Accreditation : ❯ – |
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New Student Admission
(0274) 898444 ext. 1234