Master of Management

Faculty of Business and Economics

The Master of Management Study Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia (MM Study Program UII) is a higher education program in the master level that was established in 1993 and is currently accredited Unggul. MM Study Program at UII educates students to have conceptual, analytical, synthesis, managerial and practical abilities in order to develop business, and also create business policies when facing challenges of change on a national, regional, and international scale based on Islamic values.

The profile of MM UII graduates are expected to achieve the above competencies. Therefore, MM UII graduates are given business Management knowledge and other relevant subject materials, which are presented in the form of business studies and cases. Islamic values that are embedded in the whole academic community at Universitas Islam Indonesia are also instilled in the Master of Management students.

Graduates of MM Study Program at UII are prepared to become Islamic graduates as Professionals and Entrepreneurs. The Profile of MM-UII graduates are shaped as graduates with the characters of rahmatan lil alamin, such as:

  1. An Ulil Albab Human Being who Shares Knowledge and has Knowledge about Sharing
  2. Having a Prophetic Leadership
  3. Having an Islamic Personality
  4. Having Integrated Knowledge

Having Transformative Skills


Master of Management Study Program in FBE UII can be attended by scholars with any background (multi entry), both those who are already working and fresh graduates.

Registration forms are available any time during office hours in the admissions department. The completed registration form shall then be returned to the admissions with the following attachments:

  • Three copies of a legalized bachelor’s diploma
  • One sheet of a legalized bachelor’s transcript
  • Passport photos sized 2×3 and 4×4, 4 sheets each.
  • A copy of Indonesian ID card
  • A copy of Birth Certificate
  • Pass the TPA Test Selection

Registration Period I: March – June
Registration Period II: September – December

Registration Flow:

  • Get the registration forms at the admissions
  • Fill out and return the form to the admissions along with the requirements
  • Pay the registration and TPA test fee of Rp 750,000.-
  • Take the TPA (Academic Potential Test)

For further information:

Admission of Masters and Doctoral Program of FBE UII

Phone Number: 0274 883525

Mobile Phone Number: 0813 2878 9856

Registration & Test Fee: Rp 750,000.-

Regular Class Tuition Fee:

  1. Registration & Pre-Program: Rp 5,000,000.-
  2. Semester I: Rp 5,000,000.-
  3. Semester II: Rp 7,500,000.-
  4. Semester III: Rp 10,000,000.-
  5. Semester IV: Rp 6,000,000.-

Total Cost: Rp 33,500,000.-


Executive Class Tuition Fee:

  1. Registration & Pre-Program: Rp 5,000,000.-
  2. Semester I: Rp 6,000,000.-
  3. Semester II: Rp 8,500,000.-
  4. Semester III: Rp 11,000,000.-
  5. Semester IV:Rp 6,150,000.-

Total Cost: Rp 36,650,000.-


If in semester 5 and onwards the student has yet to graduate, then at the beginning of each semester he/she is required to pay a re-registration fee of Rp2,500,000.- and a thesis extension fee of Rp2,500,000.-.

Students of the Master of Management Study Program at UII may participate in student exchange programs, international seminars, company visits and internship programs in Companies abroad.

For more information click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
M. M. – Master (S2)
Duration of Study
4 Semester (estimated full-time study)
Campus Location
Gedung Ace Partadiredja
Kampus Condongcatur
Ring Road Utara, Condongcatur, Depok
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
National Accreditation:
❯  Unggul
International Accreditation :
❯  –

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(0274) 898444 ext. 1234

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