Master of Law

Faculty of Law

Master of Law Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (MH UII) is the first Master of Law program in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, organized by Private University, established in 1994, under the Decision Letter of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 304/DIKTI/Kep/1994 dated 24 November 1994. Since the first time the system of study program accreditation was applied in Indonesia, MH UII has been constantly achieving the highest rank (A/Excellent) and as of today, MH UII still remains in the A rank. It is recorded that enrolled students in MH UII came from 100 universities in Indonesia. Currently, MH UII graduates have established their foothold in various strategic fields related to law and government (Judges of Constitutional Court, National-level Commission, Professors, Head of Districts, Consultants, NGO).

MH UII is designed to prepare Masters of law field with reliability in knowledge and profession(legal policies) with strong integrity (akhlakul karimah), an aspect that is of high importance for those working in the field of law with its ever increasingly complex and problematic challenges. Therefore, the curriculum is designed to prepare skills in facing the prospective field of law: Law of Business, Constitutional Law/State Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Justice System, Islamic Economics Law, Agrarian Law, Law and Human Rights, as well as Health Law.

In practice, the learning process in MH UII is supported by the competent experts who have been academically or practically involved in various agendas of law development and enforcement in Indonesia (experience as officials serving in national higher institutions, commissioner in national-level commissions, national-level ad-hoc teams).

MH UII has engaged in a double degree program with Youngsan University (YsU) in Korea which enables its students to pursue dual degree at a time (MH and LLM) in 2-year period under 1+ 1 (1 year in Indonesia and 1 year in YsU) scheme. The first batch of this program had graduated 3 students and currently there are 3 students pursuing their 1 year study at YsU.

Who are Eligible to Enroll to This Program?

The Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Law, UII requires the applicants to hold bachelor’s degree in Law of Law Study Program. However, holders of non-law bachelor’s degrees may enroll in UII Master of Law Program  by attending Matriculation Course after being admitted as a new student in UII Master of Laws Program.

As MH  UII graduates/alumni, they have impeccable prospect in their respective fields, i.e. as Academics, Practitioners, or as Social Activist. Academics in the field of law are master of law graduates with qualification as experts in the field of legal research and assuming the roles in education as Lecturers/education staff, researches, and community services. MH UII graduates assuming the roles as Practitioners are graduates with qualification in the field of legal professionals, i.e. judge, attorney, advocate/legal consultant, or as legal officer. Whereas MH UII graduates assuming the roles as Social Activists are the Master of Law graduates who are skilled in initiating and actively contributing in community service in law field for the interest of religions, social, culture, and/or the people’s rights.


  1. Indonesians or International applicants with valid permits from the authority.
  2. Any International applicant must have a valid visa, the procedures of which must be processed through Rector’s Office of Universitas Islam Indonesia.
  3. Holder of Bachelor’s degree from Law Study Program.
  4. For holders of non-Law Bachelor’s degree, it is mandatory to attend Matriculation Courses.
  5. Legalized copy of Bachelor’s Degree Certificate/Certificate of Education and Academic Transcript.
  6. Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  7. Applicant with national-level achievement(s) will be a subject of special consideration.
  8. Academic Recommendations given by 2 (two) lecturers with Doctoral Degrees and/or their Supervisors.
  9. Thesis writing plans (title, background, and problem formulation).
  10. Curriculum vitae.
  11. Passport photos sized 4×6, 3×4, 2×3, 2 each.
  12. Copy of identity card (National Identity Card/Driving License/Passport).
  13. TOEFL certificate with a minimum score of 450 (that is still valid) or passing the English test held by Center for International Language and Cultural Studies of UII (Cilacs).
  14. Have a TPA certificate with a minimum score of 500 (that is still valid) or passing the TPA test held by UII.
  15. Application fee of Rp 500,000

Application Procedures

Write the procedures of application that have to be carried out by the applicants to enroll in this education program.

All admission tests are conducted in Postgraduate Program of Faculty of Law UII, Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 1 Yogyakarta.


  1. Application period for Master of Law Program (S2) is open 2 times per year, i.e. the Odd Semester (September class) and the Even Semester (March class).
  2. Each application process for new students and the admission tests will be conducted in 2 rounds, i.e. Round I and Round II.
  3. The admission test for Scholarship applicants will be held according to the applied terms.

Application Procedures

  1. The applicants must complete the application forms provided by the program, and attach the documents required for application.
  2. The applicants may send the application forms and documents via e-mail, provided that the application documents must be submitted/sent to the program.
  3. Pay the application fee via bank.
  4. The applicant, following the registration, will receive a Participant Card with their photo affixed on it. It is mandatory for applicants to present the card on the day of the admission test.

The cost of tuition and fees for postgraduate programs at UII consists of the following  components:

  • Application fee of Rp500,000.00.
  • Tuition Fee of Rp30,000,000,00 (paid in 4 installments).
  • Graduation Ceremony Fee of Rp750,000.00.

For more information click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
M. H. – Master (S2)
Duration of Study
4 Semester (estimated full-time study)
Campus Location
UII Main Campus
Jln. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
National Accreditation:
International Accreditation :
❯  –

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