Master of Islamic Studies

Faculty of Islamic Studies

Master of Islamic Studies Study Program of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of Universitas Islam Indonesia abbreviated as MIAI FIAI UII is a Master Program (S2) administered under the Faculty of Islamic Studies of Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta. MIAI FIAI UII was established in September 1997 as an overview to face the challenges on the science, technology, and information development to produce expert human resources having scientific and religious integrities. Therefore, MIAI FIAI UII has a commitment towards the perfection of Islamic treatise in actualizing Catur Dharma UII, those are education, researches, community services, and Islamic missionary works.

The quality of management administered by MIAI FIAI UII is evaluated internally by the Board of Quality Assurance of Universitas Islam Indonesia. External evaluation is performed by the Board of National Accreditation for Higher Education. MIAI FIAI UII has achieved an Excellent (A) accreditation (2000), A Accreditation (2005), A Accreditation (2012), and A Accreditation (2017).  Moreover, “Millah”, the Journal of Islamic Studies, published since 2000 has labeled as SINTA 3 category and is currently attempting to reach SINTA 2. Currently, the program offers some study concentrations below: Islamic Economy, Islamic Law, and Islamic Education.

The vision of MIAI is to “Make the Master of Islamic Studies of The Faculty of Islamic Studies of Universitas Islam Indonesia as the first choice for Master Program education of Islamic Education, Islamic Economic, and Islamic Law at the ASEAN level on 2030”

Meanwhile, the missions of MIAI are:

  1. Administrating research based education and teaching.
  2. Conducting national and international level of researches and publications.
  3. Performing community empowerment based services on Islamic Education, Islamic Economic, and Islamic Law in the frame of Ulil Albab and Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin

Carrying out Islamic Missionary Works in the frame of Ulil Albab and Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin.


Profile of Graduates



Capable of making decision in the resolution and development of Islamic Economy, Islamic Law, and Islamic Education implementing Ilahiyyah and insaniyyah Main Specifications,

Academics in the field of Islamic Economy, Islamic Law,and Islamic Education.


Capable of developing logical, critical, systematical, and creative thinking though scientific researches in the field of Economy, Islamic Law, and Islamic Education. Additional Specifications,

Researches concerning the field of Islamic Economy, Islamic Law, and Islamic Education.


Capable of managing, developing, and preserving working networks with colleagues in wider institutions and communities Other Specifications,

Professional practitioners in the field of Economy, Islamic Law, and Islamic Education.

General Requirements

  1. Have graduated from any major of Bachelor Degree of public or private Universities/Institutes.
  2. International students must master Indonesian language and acquire permission from the Ministry of Education.
  3. Completing the enrollment fee and forms.

Specific Requirements

  1. Enrollment fee of Rp300,000 (three hundred rupiahs)
  2. Statement Letter with a Stamp Duty
  3. Academic References/Recommendation Letters
  4. Legalized Diploma of Bachelor Degree
  5. Legalized Academic Transcript of Bachelor Degree
  6. A TOEFL/CEPT/TOAFL certificate
  7. A Birth Certificate of the prospective students
  8. An Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card of the prospective students
  9. Study permit from the work place institution for those who are currently working.
  10. The most recent 4×6 sized color photo on blue background, face must be clearly visible, positioned facing straight to the camera, eyes open, and does not covered by any ornaments. Face proportion is 80% of the photo area.

Procedure of Enrollment

  1. Completing the enrollment fee via Bank Transfer
  2. Confirming the Payment via WhatsApp on 081-7542-5758 or directly by visiting the Administration Office of MIAI FIAI UII, Jl. Demangan Baru No. 24, Lantai 2 Yogyakarta 55281.
  3. The form shall be sent following one of the options below:
    • Hard Copy Form, sent by post to the registrant’s address
    • Online Form, sent via link to the registrant’s contact person
  4. Completing the enrollment form and sending it back to the secretariat of the study program
    • For the Hard Copy Form, the requirements must be attached to the submission.
    • For the Online Form, the requirements must be uploaded

The Total  Tuition Fee of MIAI is Rp  26,000,000 (Twenty six million rupiahs).

The fee includes;

  1. Contribution for Education Development (SPP) fee for four semesters
  2. Thesis Supervision and Defense Fee
  3. English Learning Fee
  4. Arabic Learning Fee
  5. Diploma and Graduation Fee as well as Alumni Contribution

The Global Mobilities of MIAI is performed by participating in the scientific activities at the international level, such as:

  1. International Seminars/Conferences
  2. International Scientific Publications
  3. Student Exchange Programs

Secretariat of MIAI JSI FIAI UII
Jl. Demangan Baru No. 24, Lantai II Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55281

Telp/Fax : (+62) 274-523637 GSM1: (+62)81-7542-5758
Email       : [email protected]
Web         :

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Title
M. E. – Master of Economy for Islamic Economy Concentration

M. Pd. – Master of Education for Islamic Education Concentration

M. H. – Master of Law for Islamic Education Concentration

Duration of Study
– 2 Years (Normal Duration of Study; 3 Semesters of Lectures and 1 Semester of Dissertation Writing)
– 4 Years; Maximum Duration of Study of 8 Semesters
Campus Location
Gedung K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim
Kampus Terpadu UII
Jl. Kaliurang KM 14.5 Sleman Yogyakarta
National Accreditation:
❯  Akreditasi Unggul (BAN-PT)

International Accreditation:
❯  –

Join UII and develop your potentials by studying disciplines that suit your interests and career plans

New Student Admission

(0274) 898444 ext. 1234

Foreign Applicants?

Are you a foreign applicant and want to study at UII by attending regular programs using Bahasa Indonesia? Find information about requirements and procedures via the links below: