Master of Accounting
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Business and Economics
As a for m of UII’s commitment to always contribute in increasing the capacity and capability of human resources in the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the field of Master level Accounting, UII established the Master of Accounting Study Program in March 2010 with the Decree of Establishment No. 453/D/T/2009 and the Decree of Operational Permit No. 12472/D/T/K-V/2012. In 2014, the Maksi Study Program of FBE UII accredited B with decree No. SK BAN-PT 177/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/M/VI/2014. Throughout the years, Maksi study program of FBE UII always innovates new learning processes. It can be seen from their 4 (four) majors, i.e. Government Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Forensic Audits, and Taxation (starting in 2016/2017). Right after enrolling in the Maksi program, several extracurricular activities will be available for students to improve various skills starting from the preparation of the program (behavioral modeling for learning), throughout the program (various workshops to improve research and academics capabilities, including soft-skills workshops), and at the end of the program (alumni enhancement for networking).
Maksi Study Program of FBE UII has partnered up with various national and international institutions. In the national level, they have a partnership with a professional institution in the field of Forensic Audits (LSPAF-Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Auditor Forensik or the Forensic Auditor Professional Certification Institute) and have been appointed to manage Tempat Ujian Kompetensi (TUK or the Competency Test Place) for students and practitioners who wish to obtain Certification in the field of Forensic Audit with the degree of C.Fr.A. In 2018. While in the international level, one of the partnerships carried out by Maksi study program of FBE UII is in the form of a double degree program and a Master of Professional Accounting (MPA) program under the auspices of the UWA Business School, University of Western Australia. This double degree program has also received permission from DIKTI with decree No. T/937/C.C5/KS.00.02/2019. Maksi Study Program of FBE UII is also active in activities along with various associations focusing on development for academic, research, as well as institutional purposes as an effort to stay up to date.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of Maksi Study Program of FBE UII are able to pursue carriers in various fields:
These are a a result of tracer studies over the past few years and good communication network with Alumni via the Alumni Board of MAKSI program of FBE UII, that often holds meetings, at least once every semester.
Application Requirements and Procedures
Maksi Study Program of FBE UII can be attended by bachelors of any background (multi entry), both those who are already working and fresh graduates.
Registration forms are available any time during office hours in the admissions department. The completed registration form shall then be returned to the admissions with the following attachments:
Registration Period I: March – June
Registration Period II: September – December
Registration Flow:
Further information:
Admission of Masters and Doctoral Program of FBE UII
Phone Number: 0274 883525
Mobile Phone Number: 0813 2878 9856
Components and Estimated Tuition Fees
Registration & Test Fee: Rp 750,000.-
Regular Class Tuition Fee:
Total Cost: Rp 33,500,000.-
Executive Class Tuition Fee:
Total Cost: Rp 36,650,000.-
If in semester 5 and onwards the student has yet to graduate, then at the beginning of each semester he/she is required to pay a re-registration fee of Rp2,500,000.- and a thesis extension fee of Rp2,500,000.-.
Global Mobility Program
Further Information
For more information click here
Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.
Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia
Academic Degree |
M. Ak. – Master (S2) |
Duration of Study |
4 Semester (estimated full-time study) |
Campus Location |
Gedung Ace Partadiredja Kampus Condongcatur Ring Road Utara, Condongcatur, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283 |
Accreditation |
National Accreditation: ❯ Unggul International Accreditation : ❯ – |
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