Doctoral in Economics

Faculty of Business and Economics

PDIE FBE UII was established on 6 July 2000 and offered three areas of study concentration: Economics Concentration and Accounting Concentration.

  • Economics Concentration has 2 specifications: Islamic Economics and Public Policy.
  • Accounting Concentration has 4 specifications: Financial AccountingInformation SystemPublic Sector Accounting, and Auditing.

In their 17th year since its establishment, in December 2017, PDIE FBE UII was Accredited A based on the BAN PT Decree No. 5209/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/XII/2017. In their 22nd year since its establishment, in December 2022, PDIE FBE UII was Accredited Baik Sekali based on the LAMEMBA Decree No. 079/DE/A.5/AR.10/XII/2022.

Up to April 2020, PDIE FBE UII has graduated 58 doctors, the majority of them become lecturers in various public and private universities in Indonesia.

PDIE FBE UII is currently one of the partners of LPDP and BPPDN scholarship institutions, so that every prospective student who has a background of being a lecturer with an NIDN is entitled to apply for a doctoral education scholarship to LPDP or BPPDN.

Most of the graduates already have scientific publications in reputable international journals when they graduate, and they can be expected to offer great contributions in expanding and advancing their academic career in their respective places of service.


To become a Doctoral Program in Economics with international reputation in its expertise in the field of Islamic Economics and persistent endeavors to cultivate graduates imbued with the character of rahmatan lil’alamin committed to achieving excellence in the domains of education, research, community service, and Islamic da’wah.


The program endeavors to realize its vision by

  1. delivering excellent doctoral education in the field of Economics that integrates Islamic wisdom, science, and technology (Economic and Financial Sciences, Technology, and Arts and Culture).
  2. carrying out interdisciplinary researches that utilize the latest comprehensive empirical methods to produce original scientific works recognized nationally and internationally in the context of advancing Science, Technology, Arts, Culture and Da’wah (IPTEKSD).
  3. devoting our all IPTEKSD abilities to serving the wider community to be a blessing to the universe (rahmatan lil ‘ālamīn).
  4. applying Islamic good governance principles in managing the organization of Doctoral education programs in economics and finance.

Almost all PDIE FBE UII graduates have an academic background, and after graduating they immediately experience career developments in both structural and functional positions as academics. Students who have yet to become an academic staff before graduating will easily find employment as academic staffs in various public and private universities after graduation, because the demand for academic staff with doctoral degrees is still very high. As an illustration, the proportion of lecturers with a doctoral degree in all study programs within the faculty of economics in private universities in Indonesia is still below 30% on average, still far below the minimum number that is considered sufficient for study programs to be able to achieve superior category accreditation of 50 %.

Apart from that, PDIE FBE UII graduates have great opportunities to become consultants, researchers, and analysts in the fields of business, finance and economics, both independently and through institutions, at both national and international levels.

Regular Track

1. Economics Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE103 Philosophy of Science and Methodology of Economic Research 3
DIE102 Advanced Micro Economics II 3
DIE101 Advanced Macro Economics II 3
DIE901 Systematic Literature Review in Islamic Economics 3
DIE902 Systematic Literature Review in Public Policy
1st semester total credits 12
Semester 2
DIE904 Empirical Study in Islamic Economics 3
DIE905 Empirical Study in Public policy
DIE201 Research Analytical Tools in Economic 3
DIE210 Qualification Exam 1
2nd semester total credits 7
3rd semester
DIE320 Dissertation Proposal 4
DIE230 Dissertation Proposal Examination 2
3rd semester total credits 6
Semester 4
DIE410 Data analysis 4
DIE110 Colloquium 1 2
DIE420 Writing an article for Reputable International journals 2
4th semester total credits 8
5th semester
DIE430 Research Results Seminar (Preliminary Dissertation Exam) 4
5th semester total credits 4
6th semester
DIE510 Closed Dissertation Exam 4
DIE640 Promotion Exam/Manuscript accepted at RIJ ( SJR>0.1). 2
6th semester total credits 6
Program total credits 43

2. Accounting Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE104 Philosophy of Science and Accounting Research Methodology 3
DIE106 Advanced Economic Theory 3
DIE105 Accounting Theory 3
DIE903 Systematic Literature Review 3
1st semester credits 12
Semester 2
DIE910 Literature Review in the Field of Financial Accounting 3
DIE911 Literature Review in the Field of Public Sector Accounting
DIE912 Literature Review in the Field of Auditing
DIE913 Literature Review in the Field of Information Systems
DIE203 Research Analytical Tools in Accounting 3
DIE210 Qualification Exam 1
2nd semester credits 7
3rd semester
DIE320 Dissertation Proposal 4
DIE230 Dissertation Proposal Examination 2
3rd semester credits 6
Semester 4
DIE410 Data analysis 4
DIE110 Colloquium 1 2
DIE420 Writing an article for Reputable International journals 2
4th semester credits 8
5th semester
DIE430 Research Results Seminar (Preliminary Dissertation Exam) 4
5th semester credits 4
6th semester
DIE510 Closed Dissertation Exam 4
DIE640 Promotion Exam/Manuscript accepted at RIJ (SJR>0.1). 2
6th semester credits 6
Total credits 43


Publication Track

1. Economics Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE103 Philosophy of Science and Methodology of Economic Research 3
DIE102 Advanced Micro Economics II 3
DIE101 Advanced Macro Economics II 3
DIE901 Systematic Literature Review in Islamic Economics 3
DIE902 Systematic Literature Review in Public Policy
1st semester credits 12
Semester 2
DIE904 Empirical Study of Islamic Economics 3
DIE905 Empirical Study of Public policy
DIE201 Research Analytical Tools for Economics 3
DIE220 Publication Proposal (qualification exam) 2
2nd semester credits 8
3rd semester
DIE330 Publication in International Journals 5
3rd semester credits 5
Semester 4
DIE421 Article Publication in reputable international journals 1 6
4th semester credits 6
5th semester
DIE520 Article Publication in reputable international journals 2 6
5th semester credits 6
6th semester
DIE620 Dissertation Manuscript 4
DIE630 Dissertation Exam 2
DIE641 Open Dissertation (Promotion) Exam 0
6th semester credits 6
Total credits 43

2. Accounting Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE104 Philosophy of Science and Accounting Research Methodology 3
DIE106 Advanced Economic Theory 3
DIE105 Accounting Theory 3
DIE903 Systematic Literature Review 3
1st semester credits 12
Semester 2
DIE910 Literature Review in the Field of Financial Accounting 3
DIE911 Literature Review in the Field of Public Sector Accounting
DIE912 Literature Review in the Field of Auditing
DIE913 Literature Review in the Field of Information Systems
DIE203 Research Analytical Tools for Accounting 3
DIE220 Qualification Exam 2
2nd semester credits 8
3rd semester
DIE330 Article Publication in International Journals 5
3rd semester credits 6
Semester 4
DIE421 Article Publication in reputable international journals in reputable international journals 1 6
4th semester credits 6
5th semester
DIE520 Article Publication in reputable international journals in reputable international journals 2 6
5th semester credits 6
6th semester
DIE620 Dissertation Manuscript 4
DIE630 Dissertation Exam 2
DIE641 Open Dissertation (Promotion) Exam 0
6th semester credits 6
Total credits 43


Research Track

1. Economics Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE902 Systematic Literature Review in Public Policy 3
DIE901 Systematic Literature Review in Islamic Economics
DIE202 Economic Research Methods 3
DIE110 Colloquium 1 2
1st semester credits 8
Semester 2
DIE320 Dissertation Proposal 4
DIE230 Dissertation Proposal Examination

(Qualification Exam)

2nd semester credits 6
3rd semester
DIE310 Colloquium 2 2
DIE330 Article Publication in International Journals 5
3rd semester credits 7
Semester 4
DIE411 Research Data Analysis (and 1st Draft Preparation) 6
DIE430 (Preliminary Dissertation Exam) Research Results Seminar 4
4th semester credits 10
5th semester
DIE510 Dissertation Exam 4
5th semester credits 4
6th semester
DIE610 Open (Promotion) Exam 2
DIE 640 Article Publication in reputable international journals in reputable international journals 6
6th semester credits 8
Total credits 43

2. Accounting Concentration

Code Course Name Weight credits
Semester 1
DIE910 Literature Review in the Field of Financial Accounting 3
DIE911 Literature Review in the Field of Public Sector Accounting
DIE912 Literature Review in the Field of Auditing
DIE913 Literature Review in the Field of Information Systems
DIE204 Research methods for Accounting 3
DIE110 Colloquium 1 2
1st semester credits 8
Semester 2
DIE320 Dissertation Proposal 4
DIE230 Dissertation Proposal Exam (Qualification Exam ) 2
2nd semester credits 6
3rd semester
DIE310 Colloquium 2 2
DIE330 Article Publication in International Journals 5
3rd semester credits 7
Semester 4
DIE411 Research Data Analysis (and 1st Draft Preparation) 6
DIE430 Research Results Seminar (Preliminary Dissertation Exam) 4
4th semester credits 10
5th semester
DIE510 Dissertation Exam 4
5th semester credits 4
6th semester
DIE610 Open (Promotion) Exam 2
DIE640 Article Publication in reputable international journals 6
6th semester credits 9
Total credits 43

Prospective Student Qualifications

  • Masters in various fields of science
  • Minimum Grade Point Average of 2.75 at the Undergraduate level, and 3.25 at the Masters level.
  • Has a TPA score of 550 and a TOEFL score of 500
  • Passed the academic and psychological interviews

Registration Requirements

  • Attach a legalized copy of the Master and Bachelor diploma
  • Attach a legalized copy of the transcript
  • Attach a copy of TPA and TOEFL scores
  • Submit an academic paper on the dissertation plan (10-15 pages, double spaces)
  • Attach 2 (two) recommendation letters from someone who can provide an assessment of the candidates’ academic abilities
  • Attach a list of scientific works that have been published and include one work that is considered the most outstanding

Registration Period

  • Odd Semester
    • Registration Period I: April – May
    • Registration Period II: June – July
  • Even Semester
    • Registration Period I: October – November
    • Registration Period II: December – January

Registration Flow:

  • Get the registration forms at the admissions
  • Fill out and return the form to the admissions along with the requirements
  • Pay the registration and TPA test fee of Rp1,500,000.-
  • Take the TPA (Academic Potential Test), interview and psychological test

Admission of the Doctoral and Masters Program
Phone Number: 0274 883525
Mobile Phone Number: 0813 2878 9856

Registration & Test Fee: Rp 1.500.000.-

Types of Fee


Registration & Pre-Program Rp 11.000.000
Semester I Rp 15.000.000
Semester II Rp 15.000.000
Semester III Rp 15.000.000
Semester IV Rp 15.000.000
Semester V Rp 15.000.000
Semester VI Rp 15.000.000
TOTAL TUITION FEE Rp 101.000.000.-


If the study period exceeds 7 semesters, a re-registration fee of Rp3,000,000.- and a dissertation extension fee of Rp4,250,000 is required per semester.

For more information click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
Dr. – Doctoral (S3)
Duration of Study
7 semesters (full-time estimation)
Campus Location
Gedung Ace Partadiredja
Kampus Condongcatur
Ring Road Utara, Condongcatur, Depok
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
National Accreditation:
❯ Baik Sekali based on LAMEMBA No. 079/DE/A.5/AR.10/XII/2022
International Accreditation :
❯  –

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