Doctor of Islamic Law

Faculty of Islamic Studies

The Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIAI) is a distinctive need for UII. It has been opened since the establishment of UII. The faculty has developed and produced numerous graduates having reasonable quality. The reality shows that FIAI needs continuous improvement and development either institutionally or structurally to be able to anticipate and overcome the future challenges. As a faculty which is rahmatan lil’alamin, FIAI has a vision to be a center of reference for Islamic law, education, and economy. Efforts are done to prepare professional experts on Islamic Law, Education, and Economy having commitment towards superiority in competencies.

Reviewing the recent developments while also considering the purpose of UII establishment, FIAI UII opens Doctor of Islamic Law Study Program (HIPD JSI FIAI UII) consisting of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics Concentrations.

Its specialty is producing experts of doctoral graduates in Islamic law having knowledge on Islam and Indonesia as well as mastering the system of Indonesian law.

HIPD aims to produce doctor graduates in Islamic Law with the knowledge on the integration of science and Indonesian culture.

The administration of HIPD is oriented to produce graduates or Doctors with scientific competences and characteristics of Islamic Law study, as follows:

No. Profile of Graduates Specifications
1 Capable of interpreting actual issues from the Islamic law point of view with Islamic and Indonesian characteristics. Main Specification: Academics at Universities and Experts on Law and Islamic Law.
2 Capable of answering social problems by means of published scientific/written paper and/or actions to give contribution to Islamic Law planning advices. Additional Specification: Researches, Developers, and Writers of Islamic Law science in Social-Religious field.
3 Capable of deciding and resolving various disputes with accountable court competences academically and constitutionally. Other Specification: Thinkers, practitioners, and consultants on the growth and development implementation of Muslims.
  1. Administrating Doctor of Islamic Law Education which has the theoretical and practical capabilities with the knowledge on the integration of scientific and Indonesia.
  2. Administrating Doctor of Islamic Law Education as thinkers and researches with knowledge on the integration of scientific and Indonesia.
  3. Administrating Doctor of Islamic Law Education to produce experts on Islamic Law who are capable of developing, spreading, interpreting, and answering the actual issues from the Islamic Law point of view having scientific and Indonesian characteristics, as well as high integrity.
  1. Islamic Law with knowledge on the integration of Islamic science is the Islamic Law learning in HIPD FIAI UII based on Alquran and Alhadis as the main sources enriched by scientific perspectives and treasuries of Islamic law references from the classic, middle, and contemporary eras;
  2. Islamic Law having knowledge on Indonesia is the study of Islamic Law that dialectics with the Indonesian law and social system.

General Requirements:

  1. Have graduated from any major of Master Program of public or private Universities/Institutes.
  2. International students must master Indonesian language and acquire permission from the Ministry of Education.
  3. Completing the enrollment fee and forms.

Specific Requirements:

  1. Master program (S2) graduates outside the field of Islamic laws must enroll to Matriculation courses.
  2. Minimum Grade Point Average (IPK) of 3.0 (three point zero).
  3. Enrollment fee of Rp500,000 (five hundred rupiahs)
  4. Statement Letter with a Stamp Duty
  5. Academic References/Recommendation Letters
  6. Legalized Diploma of Bachelor and Master Degree
  7. Legalized Academic Transcript of Bachelor and Master Degree
  8. A TOEFL/CEPT/TOAFL certificate
  9. A Birth Certificate of the prospective students
  10. An Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card of the prospective students
  11. Prospective students who are currently working must attach study permit from the work place institution.
  12. The most recent 4×6 sized color photo on the blue background, face must be clearly visible, positioned facing straight to the camera, eyes open, and does not covered by any ornaments. Face proportion is 80% of the photo area.
  13. Dissertation Proposal Plan

Procedure of Enrollment:

  1. Completing the enrollment fee payment via Bank Transfer
  2. Confirming the Payment via Whatsapp on 081-7542-5758 or directly by visiting the Administration Office of DHI FIAI UII, Jl. Demangan Baru No. 24, Lantai 2 Yogyakarta 55281.
  3. The form shall be sent following one of the options below:
    • Hard Copy Form, sent by post to the registrant’s address
    • Online Form, sent via link to the registrant’s contact person
  4. Completing the enrollment form and sending it back to the secretariat of the study program
    • For the Hard Copy Form, the requirements must be attached to the submission.

For the Online Form, the requirements must be uploaded

The Total  Tuition Fee of DHI is Rp  92,500,000 (Ninety two million and five hundred thousand rupiahs).

The fee includes;

  1. Contribution for Education Development (SPP) fee for four semesters
  2. Comprehensive/qualification test fee
  3. Seminar on proposal examination fee
  4. Dissertation consultation fee
  5. Eligibility test fee,
  6. Closed test fee
  7. Opened test fee

Graduation Fee

The Global Mobilities of DHI is performed by participating in the scientific activities at the international level, such as:

  1. International Seminars/Conferences
  2. International Scientific Publications
  3. Student Exchange Programs

Secretariat of DHI JSI FIAI UII

Jl. Demangan Baru No. 24, Lantai II Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55281

Telp/Fax : (+62) 274-523637 GSM1: (+62)81-7542-5758

Email        : [email protected]

Web          :

Instagram: @pps_fiai_uii

Youtube Channel: @programpascasarjanafiaiuii30

Facebook: akademik.fiaiuii

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
Dr. – Doctor (S3)
Duration of Study
– 4 Years (Normal Duration of Study; 4 Semesters of Lectures and 4 Semesters of Dissertation Writing)
– 7 Years; Maximum Duration of Study of 14 Semesters
Campus Location
Gedung K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim
Kampus Terpadu UII
Jl. Kaliurang KM 14.5 Sleman Yogyakarta
National Accreditation:
❯  Baik Sekali (BAN-PT)
International Accreditation :
❯  –

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