Doctor of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering & Planning
Faculty of Civil Engineering & Planning
Civil Engineering Doctorate Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (PDTS FTSP) UII is established to address the abovementioned global challenges. Since the era of globalization enables foreign resources to also compete with Indonesian workforce, it is now more important than ever to prepare qualified local resources. This situation opens big opportunities for education sector to actively participate in providing chances for local resources (executives and professionals) to compete with them.
Appropriate technology and efficiency in physical development as the facilities and infrastructure to contribute for Indonesian economic growth must be amplified by qualified technicians. In addition, PDTS FTSP UII is a form of our response to the ever increasing demands for competent and competitive academics and professionals with Doctor’s degrees (S3) in Civil Engineering, whose numbers are unfortunately still limited.
PDTS FTSP UII was officially established under the Decision Letter of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia No.: 126/KPT/I/2017 – dated 7 February 2017. Specializations offered include:
Civil Engineering Doctorate Program offers several specializations, i.e.:
Construction Management (MK), Earthquake Engineering Management (MRK), Transportation Planning and Engineering (PTT), Transportation Management (MT) Earthquake Engineering Management (MRK) specialization is a multi- and interdisciplinary program, employing Engineering and Social science approaches for problem solving in relation to constructional matters. The field of engineering is focused on Earthquake and
Disaster Engineering Management. Earthquake engineering is more of a combination between structural engineering, earthquake engineering, and geotechnical earthquake engineering.
Career Opportunities
Career prospects for the Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering UII graduates are wide open in various fields and related agencies or companies, mainly including lecturers and researchers, construction industry actors (contractors, consultants, project supervisors, property developers), government staff at Bappeda, the Public Works Agency, disaster management agencies, including the disaster insurance industry.
Application Requirements and Procedures
Application Procedures
The applicants should take several admission tests held by PDTS FTSP UII, i.e.: Academic Potential Test (TPA), English Proficiency Test, and Interview. On the day of the interview, the applicants are required to bring and present their Dissertation Proposal before the Board of Examiners.
Components and Estimated Tuition Fees
Cost of Tuition and Fees of Civil Engineering Doctorate Program:
Semester I : Rp24,000,000
Semester II : Rp24,000,000
Semester III : Rp19,000,000
Semester IV : Rp19,000,000
Semester V : Rp14,000,000
Semester VI : Rp14,000,000
Total : Rp114,000,000
*) Exclusive of the costs for dissertation, re-enrollment per semester, study period extension, make-up exams, and graduation ceremony.
Global Mobility Program
Further Information
For more information click here
Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.
Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia
Academic Degree |
Dr. – Doctor (S3) |
Duration of Study |
6 semesters (estimated full-time study) |
Campus Location |
Mohammad Natsir Building Main Campus Jl. Kaliurang KM 14.5 Sleman Yogyakarta |
Accreditation |
National Accreditation: ❯ Baik Sekali (LAM Teknik) International Accreditation : ❯ – |
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