Bachelor of Pharmacy

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Clinical-Community Pharmacy and Development of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Pharmacy Study Program (PSP) in UII was founded in 1998 and has been accredited Unggul from Indonesian LAM-PTKes. PSP UII has produced thousands of graduates who work in various fields of pharmacy, such as community pharmacies, hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, as well as national and district drug and food control centers/agencies. The specific advantages instilled in UII PSP students are in the field of pharmaceutical services and pharmaceutical technology. Starting from the academic year 2019/2020 PSP UII has administered class with the introduction of English and starting in the academic year 2021/2022 officially opening class for international programs (IP).

PSP UII students are prepared to pursue pharmacist professional education level which has also been established at UII since 2002 and is accredited Unggul from LAM-PTKes. The current curriculum is developed in accordance with the demands of the national pharmacist competency needs which refer to the National Higher Education Standards and the academic text of the Indonesian Pharmacy Higher Education Association. The PSP UII is supported by experienced teaching staff with nearly 40% having a doctoral qualification and almost 100% having an educator certificate. The pursuit support facilities at PSF are very adequate to support the cultivation of excellence such as the Mini Teaching Hospital and OSCE center to support excellence in the field of pharmaceutical services as well as the pharmaceutical technology laboratories and the Nanopharmacy Research Center to support excellence in the field of pharmaceutical technology. Support for student exposure to the global environment is very adequate through cooperation with universities abroad such as the International Islamic University of Malaysia, University Sains Malaysia, and the University of Wolverhampton – United Kingdom.

Brief description of student outcome and global perspective career 

Graduates with a bachelor’s in pharmacy have broad career prospects as a Pharmacist. Besides that, graduates are also able to work as Industrial pharmacists, Community pharmacists, Clinical pharmacists, Regulatory affair officer, and research scientists.

Registration & Selection
The New Student Admission (PMB) at Universitas Islam Indonesia for Undergraduate (S1) and Diploma (D3) Programs is held in four selection patterns, i.e.: Computer Based Test (CBT), Paper Based Test (PBT), Honors Student Appraisal (PSB), and Quran Hafiz Appraisal (PHA).
More information about the requirements and procedures of UII New Student Admission selection pattern is available at

The following requirement is specifically relevant to Applicants of International Program who register via the PSB and PHA selection patterns. They are required to submit their English proficiency test results, such as CEPT from CILACS UII (minimum score of 475), TOEFL®ITP (470), TOEFL iBT (52), or IELTS (5.5).

When you are applying to Universitas Islam Indonesia as an international student, you will need to satisfy the entry requirements for undergraduate (bachelor/diploma) admission. Read the requirements by downloading information provided from the link available below.

The Country Specific Undergraduate Entry Requirements information will help to clarify your eligibility to apply, based on the country where you finished your high school studies.

The estimated cost of tuition and fees for Undergraduate (S1) and Diploma (D3) programs for UII New Student Admission for the Academic Year of 2022/2023 can be downloaded through the link available on this page.

The table of estimated cost of tuition and fees contains information regarding the estimated cost components with the following notes:

  1. The estimated minimum cost is calculated based on the lowest value of the Catur Dharma Fee in the related study program, and added with the Tuition (Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan/SPP) value in the relevant study program.
  2. The estimated maximum cost is calculated based on the highest value of the Catur Dharma Fee in the related study program, and added with the Tuition (Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan/SPP) value in the relevant study program.
  3. The Catur Dharma Amount appears on the table shall not be applicable to applicants who applied through the Independent PBT selection pattern.
  4. Study Term Prediction for Non-exact and Exact Sciences are respectively 3.5 and 4 years.
  5. Tuition (SPP) is payable annually in 4 installments.
  6. For Undergraduate Study Programs (S1), the estimated tuition fees do not include fees for KKN (student community service), Undergraduate Thesis, and Thesis Defense.
  7. For Diploma Study Programs (D3), the estimated tuition fees do not include Fees for Diploma Thesis, Diploma Thesis Defense, and Professional Placement (PKL) Report Presentation.
  8. Specifically for Medical Education Undergraduate (S1) Study Program, the estimated tuition fees do not include fees for KKN (student community service), Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis Defense, and Clinical Education Stage Costs.

Rates for KKN, Diploma Thesis, Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis Defense, and PKL Report Presentation will be calculated in accordance with the rates set in the year of implementation.

Universitas Islam Indonesia offers joint degree and/or student exchange for bachelor degree program in collaboration with our outstanding partner universities.

For more information about our global mobility programs, please contact the Directorate of Partnership/International Affairs at: +62 274 898 410 or email: io[at]

For more information click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma programs, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
S.Farm. – Sarjana (S1)
Duration of Study
8 Semester (estimated full-time study)
Campus Location
Gedung Prof. Dr. H. Zanzawi Soejoeti, M.Sc.
Main Campus
Jln. Kaliurang km 14,5, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584
National Accreditation:
❯  Unggul (LAM-PTKes)

International Accreditation :
❯  ASIIN: The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Join UII and develop your potentials by studying disciplines that suit your interests and career plans

New Student Admission

(0274) 898444 ext. 1234

Foreign Applicants?