Bachelor of Management

Faculty of Economics

Ull’s Management Study Program has received A accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) and implemented a new curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) designed to produce applicative skills (hard skills) as well as communication and socialization skills (soft skills). As an effort to improve the quality of international-leveled education, Ull’s Management Study Program has been preparing for international accreditation, and students will be equipped with international and strategic elective courses for each area of specialization.

There are four areas of specialization that can be selected by students, namely: financial management, human resource management, marketing management, and operations management. To support the mastery of each field of specialization, before graduating students have to take the professional certification exam for the field of specialization held directly by competent professional institutions. Thus, after graduation, in addition to receiving a diploma, students will also receive a professional certification.

As for new students, independent learning workshop using Outbound Management Training (OMT) method will be given. Aside from that, there is a capability development that is given periodically every year through the Graduate Employability Development Program (GEDP) program. To meet the needs of the international market, students are also equipped with tools related courses such as SAP-ERP that is much needed by multinational companies.

Management Study Program’s graduates are equipped with four main excellencies: entrepreneurial talent, strategic thinking capability, problem solving capabillity and innovative leadership capability. To earn those, during their study the students will be given leadership and entrepreneurship materials. One thing that differentiates our graduate with those of other universities is that the students are equipped with Islamic materials, both in the curriculum and extracurricular activities.

Ull’s Management Study Program aims to shape its graduates into academics, first-line managers, and entrepreneurs. To achieve such graduate profile, courses that match the profile have been prepared. Furthermore final projects such as thesis for academics, internship for prospective first-line managers, and business planning for entrepreneurs are also prepared.

When you are applying to Universitas Islam Indonesia as an international student, you will need to satisfy the entry requirements for undergraduate (bachelor/diploma) admission. Read the requirements by downloading information provided from the link available below.

The Country Specific Undergraduate Entry Requirements information will help to clarify your eligibility to apply, based on the country where you finished your high school studies.

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Faculty of Economics UII offers joint degree and/or student exchange for bachelor degree program with our outstanding partner universities:

  1. University of Queensland, Australia
  2. Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
  3. Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, China
  4. Solbridge International School of Business, South Korea

For more information about our global mobility programs, please contact the Office of International Affairs (OIA) at: +62 274 898 410 or email: io[at]

For more information click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Sangkalan: Informasi ini berlaku untuk pendaftaran Tahun Akademik 2024/2025 dan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah menyesuaikan kebijakan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
S.M. – Sarjana (S1)
Duration of Study
8 Semester (estimated full-time study)
Campus Location
Ace Partadiredja Building,
Condongcatur Campus

Ring Road Utara, Condongcatur, Depok
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
National Accreditation:
❯  A (BAN-PT)
International Accreditation :
❯  –

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Informasi Penerimaan
Mahasiswa Baru UII

(0274) 898444 Ekstensi 1234

Foreign Applicants?

Are you a foreign applicant and want to study at UII by attending regular programs using Bahasa Indonesia? Find information about requirements and procedures via the links below: