Bachelor of Business Law

Faculty of Law
Undergraduate Study Program

Business Law Studies Focusing on Technology, Intellectual Property Rights, and Sharia Business

Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia (PSHBPS FH UII) is the first and pioneer Business Law Study Program in the Central Java and Yogyakarta which specifically organizes Business Law studies with clusters: business law and technology; sharia business law; and intellectual property rights. The operational permit for this study program is based on the Decision of Ministry of Education and Culture No. 203/E/O/2022.

Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law, Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia aims to produce law graduates who have good morals and competent in the field of business law that are in line with sharia principles, responsive to the development of information technology and ready to act as practitioners and academics of business law based on Islamic values, nationality, independence and universality. The graduates will hold a Bachelor of Laws degree.

Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia is integrated with the Faculty of Law UII which already has a national and international reputation and recognition as evidenced by its excellent accreditation for Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral Law Study Programs. Good accreditation for the Notary Law Program and certified in Asian University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) for Undergraduate Study Program in Law. The Faculty of Law has national and international collaborations that produce various programs that create opportunities and advantages for Study Programs, such as credit transfers, joint degrees and various other programs.

The Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia has 71 lecturers with 8 professors and practitioner lecturers integrated. Lectures are held in the new building of the Faculty of Law at the Integrated Campus of the Universitas Islam Indonesia which is supported by complete, adequate and comfortable facilities. The study program also provides enormous opportunities for students to develop themselves through the facilities that have been provided such as: Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat), Legal Consultation and Aid Center (LKBH), various study centers, student organizations and activities other student affairs.

  1. Corporate Lawyer
  2. Legal Auditor
  3. Sharia Lawyers and Mediators
  4. Drafter Kontrak dan Drafter Kontrak Syariah /Contract Drafter and Sharia Contract Drafter
  5. Sharia Compliance
  6. Cyber Lawyer
  7. Data Protection Officer
  8. Crypto Asset Legal Consultant
  9. Intellectual Property Lawyer
  10. Intellectual Property Rights Consultant
  11. Data Analyst and Patent Document
  12. Drafter Paten /Patent Drafter
  13. Technology Transfer Manager

Student Admissions (PMB) at Universitas Islam Indonesia for Undergraduate (S1) and Diploma (D3) programs are held through five selection patterns, such as: Computer Based Test (CBT), High School Report-Based Selection (Siber), Student Achievement Tracking (PSB), and Hafiz Al-Qur’an Tracking (PHA), Search for Young Leaders (PPM), Joint Admissions Program.

Complete information about the requirements and procedures for the registration of the UII Student Admissions selection can be found on the website

The estimated study costs for the Bachelor (S1) and Diploma (D3) programs at UII Student Admissions for the 2022/2023 Academic Year can be seen below:

The study cost estimation table contains information on the estimated components of education costs with the following notes:

  1. The minimum estimated cost is the calculation result of the lowest Catur Darma Fund in the related study program plus the Tuition Fee (Fixed and Variable) in that study program.
  2. The maximum estimated cost is the calculation result of the highest Catur Darma Fund in the related study program added with the Tuition Fee (Fixed and Variable) in that study program.
  3. The Catur Darma Fund listed in the table does not apply to applicants who take the Siber FK Mandiri and CBT From Home FK Mandiri (for Medical Faculty).
  4. Prediction of the Non-Exact Study Period of 3.5 years and Exactly 4 years.
  5. Tuition Fee (Fixed and Variable) is paid annually in 4 instalments.
  6. For the Undergraduate Study Program (S1), the estimated tuition costs do not include the cost of Field Study (KKN), Thesis and Thesis Examination.
  7. For Diploma Study Programs (D3), the estimated tuition costs do not include the costs of the Final Project, Admission, and PKL Report Presentation.
  8. Especially for the Undergraduate Study Program (S1) and Doctoral Education the estimated tuition costs do not include the rates for Field Study (KKN), Thesis, Thesis Examination, and the Cost of the Clinical Education Stage.
  9. Tariffs for Field Study (KKN), Final Project, Thesis, Induction, and Presentation of PKL Reports will be calculated according to the rates set in the year of implementation.
  10. The Rector’s Regulation regarding the Study Fees for New Students for the Academic Year 2021/2022 can be downloaded at the page

By adopting the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM), the Undergraduate Study Program in Business Law also has an International Mobility program, by utilizing a network of cooperation spread across various countries.

For more information, please click here

Thinking about studying other disciplines?
UII offers many choices of education programs which include 1 diploma program, 3 applied degree programs, 27 bachelor programs, 19 masters programs, 6 doctoral programs, and 4 professional programs, with a variety of disciplines in the fields of business, economy, social sciences, law, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and many others.

Disclaimer: This information is valid for the Academic Year of 2024/2025 and is subject to change depending on the policies in Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic Degree
S.H. – Sarjana (S1)
Duration of Study
8 Semester (estimated full-time study)
Campus Location
UII Main Campus
Jln. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
National Accreditation:
❯  Baik (BAN-PT)
International Certification/Accreditation :
❯ –

Join UII and develop your potentials by studying disciplines that suit your interests and career plans

New Student Admission UII

(0274) 898444 Ekstensi 1234

Foreign Applicants?

Are you a foreign applicant and want to study at UII by attending regular programs using Bahasa Indonesia? Find information about requirements and procedures via the links below:

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2021.