Universitas Islam Indonesia has participated in several strategic initiatives and global projects with some partner institutions in Europe through Erasmus+ CBHE (Capacity Building for Higher Education) program in the last few years. To this day, UII has participated in three projects funded by the European Union.

Erasmus+ CBHE at UII:
Developing Global Capacity

Capacity development project in higher education under the Erasmus+ CBHE program scope is a transnational cooperation project based on multilateral partnership, particularly between higher education institutions from program-organizing countries and the one from the eligible partner countries.

This project is aimed at supporting eligible partner countries to modernize, internationalize, and facilitate access to higher education; overcome challenges experienced by their institution and higher education system; promote cooperation with the European Union; and enhance person-to-person contact, awareness, and inter-cultural comprehension.

To this day, UII has participated in three Erasmus+ CBHE projects with the primary focus on promoting research quality and performance (REPESEA), supporting the development of entrepreneurship (GITA), and building catalytic capacity of universities to improve resilience against various potential for disaster (BUiLD).

ODDEA – Overcoming the Digital Divide in Europe and Southeast Asia Universities (2022-2026)

The Erasmus+ HORIZON-MSCA Staff Exchange program funds staff exchanges between EU and non-EU higher education institutions. The program promotes collaboration and skill development among higher education staff, with a focus on STEM mobility (STEM). The program funds staff travel to partner institutions for research, training, and professional development. This includes attending conferences and workshops, working on joint research projects, teaching, and mentoring. The HORIZON-MSCA Staff Exchange program allows higher education staff to learn new skills, expand their horizons, and form lasting partnerships with international colleagues.

In 2022, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) as a member of a consortium led by University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia) received a grant from the Erasmus+ HORIZON-MSCA StaffExchange program for a proposal entitled Overcoming the Digital Divide in Europe and Southeast Asia Universities (ODDEA). The other 7 members of the consortium are AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), Cracow University of Economics (Poland), University DonjaGorica (Montenegro), Institute of Modern Technology Montenegro (Montenegro), and SzentIstván University (Hungary) from the European Union and 2 other members from Southeast Asia: Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia) and International College of NIDA (Thailand). The grant is worth EUR 1.352.400 over a 48-month period beginning in December 2022 and ending in November 2026.

The main focus of ODDEA is divided into several work packages, namely the state-of-the-art analysis of the underlying factors of the digital divide within the EU and within the Southeast Asia (WP1), the data analysis of the current state of the digital economy (WP2), the quantitative analysis of the causes of observed digital differences among thE economy and among Southeast Asian economies (WP3), and the research on the digital gap in individual partner country using more detailed/disaggregate data (WP4) along with Dissemination and Communication (WP5), Management (WP6), and Ethics requirements (WP7).

Beginning in January 2023, UII will host several professors from partner universities while sending their own lecturers and professors to those partner universities in a series of secondments. Each secondment will last one to three months and will involve the seconded staff in a variety of teaching, research, training, and other academic activities at the host institutions. These secondments’ main deliverables would be data collection, research papers, and secondment reports, as well as other dissemination and communication deliverables.

iHiLead – Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (2021-2024)

The Indonesian Higher Education sector is facing significant change as it moves from a phase of expansion as it has increased access to a greater proportion of the population, to one where the focus is on enhancing the quality of that education.This project is developed in response to a clearly identified need for the development of leaders and managers in the Indonesian Higher Education sector. The framework, and leadership development network and its associated programme will focus on addressing the development needs of academic and non‐academic managers, at all levels, who have responsibility for driving or responding to structural changes in the higher education sector in Indonesia.This ensures that the leadership and management development opportunities developed through the project will be appropriate and of value for the full range of Indonesian HEIs.

Program & partner universities: University of Gloucestershire; Universidad de Granada; Mednarodna Fakulteta za Druzbene in Poslovne Studije Zavod; President University; STIE Malangkucecwara; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan; Universitas Islam Indonesia; Universitas Padjajaran; Universitas Negeri Semarang; Universitas Brawidjaja; Universitas Negeri Semarang.

ANGEL – ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership (2020-2023)

ANGEL is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ANGEL’s goals are to address green entrepreneurship and transformational leadership and social innovation challenges, and to build a high calibre network of effective and efficient green entrepreneurial leaders that uphold ethics and good governance and are able to connect with the local/regional/international market ecosystem with a multiplier effect in the ASEAN region.

The consortium consists of 16 institutions from Cambodia, Greece, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Cyprus with the names of institutions are as follows: Research Innovation and Development Lab (ReadLab), Hellenic Open University (HOU), Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), European University Cyprus (EUC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Savanakhet University (SU), Champasak University (CU), Universitas Gadjah Mada(UGM), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), University of South East Asia (USEA), Hanoi University of Mining & Geology (HUMG), Can Tho University (CTU), Institute Technology Cambodia (ITC), Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

REPESEA – Assessing and Improving the Research Performance at South East Asian Universities (2016-2019)

Through a cooperative network among partner universities in Asia and Europe, REPESEA project discusses a challenging task to build up research and innovation capacity. Research capacity would be developed at partner higher education institutions in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand through creation and implementation of Assessment System of Research Quality and Impact and development and introduction of independently transferable research skills training modules.

Diversity of partner higher education institutions involved in REPESEA project (public-owned vs private-owned, research-focused vs education-focused, traditional vs contemporary, capital-city based vs rural-area based, social-science-based vs engineering-based, based in advanced country vs developing country) allows for achievement of research capacity improvement target from different perspectives and essential synergy for the partnership. Transfer of best practices and knowledge on research capacity in both ways is expected to bring added value to the European partners.

Program & Partner Universities: University of Economics in Bratislava; Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica; Warsaw School of Economics; University of Bath; University of Clermont Auvergne; Universitas Gadjah Mada; Universitas Islam Indonesia; International College, Burapha University; International College of National Institute of Development Administration (ICO NIDA); Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Universiti Teknologi MARA

GITA – Growing Indonesia: a Triangular Approach (2017-2020)

With more than 260 million citizens, Indonesia is the biggest economy in South East Asia and the fourth most-populated country in the world. Current support for new company establishment is still uncoordinated and thus it is deemed necessary to have a more coordinated approach from educational institutions, government agencies, and industries to build Indonesian entrepreneurship capacity and become less-dependent to foreign workers and outgoing economic migration.

The Erasmus+ GITA project aims to instill entrepreneurial education into the university curriculum and create Growth Hubs across Indonesia. This hub is a physical space equipped with incubation facilities to foster innovation and take advantage of novel ideas applicable to local and regional economy.

Program & Partner Universities: University of Gloucestershire; Dublin Institute of Technology; Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) Germany; University of Innsbruck; Universitas Padjajaran; Universitas Islam Indonesia; President University; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan; Universitas Negeri Semarang; Universitas Brawijaya; STIE Malangkuçeçwara

BUiLD – Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience (2019-2022)

This project aims to create centers of excellence in disaster resilience in every Indonesian participating university. They will supervise the implementation of a comprehensive disaster resilience framework in their respective institution. The framework integrates resilience capacity building at different levels, taking into account the individual, program, institutional, and national level.

Erasmus+ BUiLD project discusses several aspects of resilience capacity building, including university governance, disaster response and recovery capability, disaster awareness training, curriculum development, exchange of information as well as internal and external knowledge, and fund collection.  One of the program goals is encouraging interests in disaster resilience education and career development to promote future research, innovation, and leadership.

Program & Partner Universities: University of Gloucestershire; Institute Polytechnic Porto; University College Copenhagen; Hafelakar; Universitas Islam Indonesia; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan; President University; Universitas Andalas; Universitas Khairun; Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu; Universitas Surabaya;
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]uii.ac.id

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2022.