Energy Conservation at UII Campus
Management of Campus Facilities & Energy Audit
UII campus facility maintenance is performed regularly under the coordination of Campus Facilities Administration (PFK), UII Waqf Office Foundation, and Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure (DSP) UII Rectorate.
Reflecting on energy audit allows PFK to suggest technical recommendation for different needs of facility maintenance and energy conservation, such as making up and cleaning of installation, placement of warning signs and diagram, measurement tools calibration, regular termination check, used and recorded power check, and utilization of energy-saving equipment.

Furthermore, a Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology is also in place to integrate building design with the required data or technical information to improve the effectivity and efficiency of planning, design, construction, and operation of buildings within UII campus area. This is particularly helpful to support energy conservation program.
Solar Panel Project
Energy conservation is achieved through several means. Besides energy audit and regular maintenance performed by UII, some additional initiatives are also implemented with the involvement of units under UII such as the introduction of solar panel project by the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) to support availability of electricity in the faculty building.

This solar power generator is built to deliver 2×5,000 watt of power to support the operation of many electronic equipments in the faculty building such as LCD projectors. In addition to power saving purpose, the solar generator project would also help educate general community regarding the importance of renewable energy.
The installed solar panel technology is expected to run in an optimal state for 15 years and save approximately 50 million rupiah per year for FTI building’s electricity bill.
Selain di gedung FTI, sejak bulan Maret 2020 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) telah memasang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) on Grid Rooftop. Sistem ini mempunyai kapasitas 5.000 Wp. Setiap harinya ada minimal 21,3 KWh yang bisa dihemat dengan keberadaan sistem ini. Tiap bulan sekitar 278 KWh yang dihasilkan dari sistem kelistrikan yang mengandalkan cahaya matahari ini. Keberadaan PLTS ini merupakan wujud ikhtiar UII untuk menghemat energi demi lingkungan lestari dan berkelanjutan.