Student Aid

Tuition fee waivers request for the first and second installment for the 2020/2021 academic year

Berita Kegiatan Covid19 Pilihan

Yang Nabi Contohkan Ketika Menghadapi Pandemi

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Berita Kegiatan Covid19 Pilihan

Bagaimana Islam Memandang Pandemi Covid-19?

Bertambahnya orang yang terjangkit virus corona (Covid-19) saban hari sudah tentu membuat sebagian besar orang merasa cemas dan gelisah. Namun...
Berita Kegiatan Covid19 Pilihan

Prodi Rekayasa Tekstil UII Serahkan APD untuk Tenaga Medis

Program Studi Rekayasa Tekstil, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia memberikan bantuan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) kepada masyarakat dan tenaga...
Berita Kegiatan Covid19 Pilihan

Tips Atasi Stres dan Kecemasan di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

Pembaharuan informasi mengenai penyebaran virus Corona (Covid-19) terus disajikan oleh media dan menjadi bahan obrolan hangat di tengah masyarakat. Untuk...

In accordance with the Circular Letter from the Rector, it is not advised for students to travel to their hometown or out of town.

In situations like this, everyone is a potential source of spreading the virus to other people or areas that are have not been exposed, and at the same time, they have the potential of being exposed during travel.

Each individual must be responsible of taking care of themselves and their surroundings.

Novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new type of corona virus that causes a disease called COVID-19.

Before it was known as COVID-19, people used to call it as novel coronavirus 2019 or 2019-nCoV. It is a new virus, but it is similar to the group of viruses that cause SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and a number of other common colds.


When someone is infected, they will exhibit symptoms within 1-14 days after being exposed to the virus. The general symptoms are:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • dry cough

Most people will only experience mild symptoms, but in certain cases, this infection can cause pneumonia and respiratory distress. In a few cases, coronavirus infection can be fatal. The elderly and people with underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes, are prone to experience more serious illness.

Because its symptoms are similar to the common cold, it is necessary to take tests to confirm whether or not someone is infected with the coronavirus. Tests are available at referral hospitals on doctor’s order for those who are experiencing symptoms.

Keys to preventing the coronavirus (COVID-19): Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water, avoid touching your face, keep your distance from people exhibiting symptoms (fever, dry cough, fatigue), when coughing or sneezing: cover your mouth and nose with your folded elbow or a tissue paper, and then immediately throw it away to a closed bin after use.


This virus can transmits directly through cough and breath droplets of an infected individual, which is then breathed into by a healthy person. This virus can also be transmitted indirectly through objects that are contaminated by it through droplets or contaminated hands.

This virus can linger on surfaces and live up to several hours or even days, but it can be killed with disinfectants.

When a person’s hands are contaminated by droplets, this virus can spread through direct contact between people. That is why it is important to frequently wash our hands with soap and running water, and temporarily avoid shaking hands or greeting others with a kiss.


Here are 4 preventive measures that you and your family can practice:

  1. Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water or if unavailable, an alcohol (60%) based hand sanitizer.
  2. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing with your folded elbow or a tissue paper, then immediately throw it away to a closed bin after use.
  3. Keep a minimum distance of 1 meter while talking to others.
  4. Keep your distance from people exhibiting flu symptoms.


If your sickness does not show any Covid-19-like symptoms, please see a doctor or go to a local health facility.

If your sickness shows any indication resembling Covid-19 symptoms, you are advised to immediately contact the Yogyakarta Covid-19 Response service at 0274 555 585 or 0811 276 480.

If you need doctor’s assistance or an ambulance service, contact UIISiaga Covid-19 Team at 0821 317 37773 (phone, Whatsapp).

The assistance that the UIISiaga Team can provice for students:

  1. Doctor’s visit for students who are feeling unwell.
  2. Ambulance dispatch, if needed.

You can contact the UIISiaga Covid-19 Team by phone or Whatsapp at 0821 317 37773.

There are 25 referral hospitals in Yogyakarta Special Region Province. You can find more information about them on the homepage of the official Yogyakarta Special Region government website at

You can also see the list of referral hospitals on the official Instagram account of the Government of Yogyakarta Special Region.

Understanding Coronavirus and COVID-19

What is Coronavirus and COVID-19?

Coronavirus is a group of viruses that can cause sickness in animals or humans. Some types of coronavirus are known to cause respiratory tract infections in humans that vary from cough and colds to more serious cases such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The newly discovered coronavirus causes the COVID-19 disease.

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. This new virus and the disease it causes were not known until its outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December of 2019.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

Maintain Personal Hygiene and Immunity

Should I be worried about COVID-19?

Illnesses caused by COVID-19 infection are usually mild, especially in children and young adults. However, this infection can still escalate to serious illnesses. Because of that, it is normal for people to worry about how this COVID-19 outbreak may impact themselves and their loved ones.

Let’s channel our worries by protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and the people in our communities. The most important thing to do is to frequently wash our hands thoroughly and to cover our nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Other than that, keep yourself updated with any relevant information and follow the advices from your local health agency about traveling and mass-gathering restrictions imposed.

How likely will I catch COVID-19?

Your risk of getting infected depends on where you are – or to be precise, whether or not your local community has been exposed to COVID-19.

In most areas, the risk of catching COVID-19 is still low. However, there are places (cities or regions) around the world where this disease is spreading. People living in or visiting these areas have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. The government and health authorities have taken firm actions whenever a new COVID-19 case is identified.

Please obey the travel or mass-gathering restriction orders imposed wherever you may be. Cooperating with measures to control the disease will lower your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

This outbreak and spread of COVID-19 can be contained and stopped, as to what has happened in China and some other countries. Unfortunately, new outbreaks are coming out fast. You must be aware of the situation where you are living or where you will be visiting.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

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Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
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Email: info[at]

Institutional Accreditation A. Universitas Islam Indonesia has received institutional accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) since 2013.