Conferences and Seminars

The development of science and the broadening of knowledge requires a broad room for aspirations and academic discussion spaces. Many seminars and scientific conferences are organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia as a bridge to connect ideas and knowledge across different fields of study. Find out more information about our activities at UII.


Universitas Islam Indonesia has organized a variety of scientific conference activities both in national and international level, inviting the broad academic communities to share ideas and present the results of their latest researches. Several conference agendas at UII have even been conducted and have become our top program.


Conducting seminars with various themes related to scientific disciplines and popular issues also complement the UII campus as a large learning space for many ideas and knowledge. Not only that, dialogue and seminar activities that specifically talk about the moderation of Islam and national values are also part of the agenda of top activities conducted by Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Jadwal Konferensi & Seminar di UII

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Sangkalan: Jadwal kegiatan di atas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan. Silakan mengontak narahubung masing-masing kegiatan seminar atau konferensi ilmiah untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.