Alumni Services

We continue to support and provide any available assistance to help expand career opportunities for Alumni of Universitas Islam Indonesia. Having received your degree and having worn your graduation gown does not mean that your journey at UII has to come to an end.

Our career center, that offers a variety of services to support the beginning of a student’s career path and foster a strong network as to what the alumni association constantly promotes, can help you connect with other alumni who have established their careers in many industrial sectors both domestically and abroad, and to help strengthen UII’s mission by continuing to inspire your career journey.

Number of UII Alumni
(30 July 2023)



UII Career Center

The UII Career Center is a career center service owned by Universitas Islam Indonesia and managed by the Directorate of Career and Alumni Development (DPKA). This unit holds an important role of bridging UII graduates to the professional world. A number of programs related to career preparation, such as career consulting, career mentoring, career seminar and job fair have become frequent agendas for DPKA.

The UII Career Center website also provides many information on job vacancies uploaded directly by companies or institutions. The site is also open for both alumni and public access.

More information on scholarship services for new and active UII students can be accessed through the Directorate of Student Development (DPK) Website via the link below, or telephone to 0274-898444 Extension 1133/1144

Ikatan Keluarga Alumni UII

The UII Alumni Organization was established through deliberation between the Student Council (Dewan Mahasiswa/DM) and the Student Deliberation Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa/MPM), attended by some UII alumni, including Siswo Wiratmo, SH, Taufiq Halim, SH, Drs. Dairi Azis, Imam Suhadi, SH. and M. Mansur, SH. This Organization was established on 19 May 1967, coinciding with 11 Safar 1387 H.

The establishment of UII Alumni Family Association was motivated by strong encouragement and sense of responsibility from the alumni to participate in developing and advancing their alma mater. Currently, UII IKA Central Board is under the leadership of Dr. M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H., Head of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

Alumni Testimonials

Universitas Islam Indonesia has over 100,000 alumni who now have careers in various professions both domestically and abroad. Some of them have even had important positions as national figures or top tier management in many prominent companies. Listen to what they have to say about their experience of studying at UII.

UII was built as a campus that help those who wanted to foster their intelligence and be successful. At this campus, intelligence is formed, emotional maturity is developed, and character is built. I am proud to be their alumni.

I am proud and extremely lucky to have studied at Universitas Islam Indonesia. Aside from their strong academic foundation, UII graduates also have excellent organizational experience that can help them prepare to compete in the global era.

UII offers a unique skill set that differs among other universities in Indonesia. I started my global career by only using my UII degree to compete with global talent around the world. I was not worried at all, because UII prepared me to continue growing and glowing in any situations!

The intellectual process at UII gave me a strong base to compete in the professional world. The Islamic principals I learned from UII have strengthened my foundation as a progressive Muslim when I socialize with people from different nations. I should say that UII was my best choice.

Alumni Donations

UII Alumni Donations for Academic Scholarships

As part of alumni’s contribution for their alma mater, Universitas Islam Indonesia invites its Alumni to participate in the Alumni Donations program, which will fully be put towards academic scholarships for honors students at UII.

This Donation Program is managed professionally and accountably under the Directorate of Career and Alumni Development (DPKA) and the Directorate of Student Development (DPK). Reports on the received donations will be updated in real time through the website, and reports on the grant distribution to the Scholarship grantees will be reported periodically through website and email. As a form of accountability towards the funds, an audit will be conducted by an external party at the end of each year.

How do I Participate?

  • Alumni can directly visit page, then click the “DONATE” button.
  • Continue by completing your data and donation amount, then click the “Continue to Donate” column.
  • Next, go to the payment page and you will find the following options:
    • Auto-debit service via debit or credit card of any bank.
    • Virtual account service via Doku, Alfamart, or Indomaret.
  • Upon completing their payment, alumni will receive a notification about the transaction process stating whether it was successful or not.

I want to donate

Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office)
Main Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia

Phone: +62 274 898444
Fax: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]

Universitas Islam Indonesia has Accredited “Unggul” by National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture (BAN-PT) of the Republic of Indonesia on 2022.