Plan your study at UII

Everyday at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), you will find an extensive study space to deepen your knowledge, develop your skills, and fostering new ideas. Gain a full learning experience while studying at UII. You may also choose various degree programs at UII which taught entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, or a specific degree offered at the International Program.

Top 500 Asia

QS Asia University Rankings
2019 & 2020

National Ranking #17

UII ranks among the top 20 out of
2,141 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Indonesia

Top 500 Asia

QS Asia University Rankings
2019 & 2020

Life & Learn at UII

The daily life of students and staffs at the UII campus is filled with the excitement and enthusiasm to join various activities designed to strengthen the spirit of learning throughout the academic community. The green and comfortable campus environment contributes to the creation of a conducive atmosphere to enjoy the study time. The interaction and creation of students on campus is also facilitated by various extracurricular activities that provide space for their interests and talent development.

Plan your study at UII

Everyday at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), you will find an extensive study space to deepen your knowledge, develop your skills, and fostering new ideas. Gain a full learning experience while studying at UII. You may also choose various degree programs at UII which taught entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, or a specific degree offered at the International Program.

Study at
International Program

Selected study programs are delivering in English and/or Arabic

Improve your
Bahasa Indonesia

UII provides BIPA program to help you improve your language skills

Know what
you want to study?

Choose a study program that suits your interests

your application

Find all the information you need to know to apply to UII

International Applicants

You will have opportunity to choose various degree in regular programs at UII which taught entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, or you may also choose to study at International Program.

Plan your study at UII

Everyday at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), you will find an extensive study space to deepen your knowledge, develop your skills, and fostering new ideas. Gain a full learning experience while studying at UII. You may also choose various degree programs at UII which taught entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, or a specific degree offered at the International Program.

Know what
you want to study?

Choose a study program that suits your interests

your application

Find all the information you need to know to apply to UII

Are you an International Student?

 You will have opportunity to choose various degree in regular programs at UII which taught entirely in Bahasa Indonesia, or you may also choose to study at International Program.

Study at International Program

Some courses offer international programs that use English and/or Arabic as the language of instruction. Find a course that suits your interests.

Improve your Indonesian language skills

To study in regular program, you must have a fluent Indonesian language. UII provides BIPA program to help you improve your language skills.

Diploma III

Pilihan pendidikan vokasi untuk bidang studi dengan keahlian terapan

Diploma III

Pilihan pendidikan vokasi untuk bidang studi dengan keahlian terapan

Diploma III

Pilihan pendidikan vokasi untuk bidang studi dengan keahlian terapan

Diploma III

Pilihan pendidikan vokasi untuk bidang studi dengan keahlian terapan

Pemimpin Masa Depan,
Mari Bergabung!

Raih gelar pendidikan tinggi Anda di Universitas Islam Indonesia. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 70 tahun, UII berkomitmen mencetak pemimpin masa depan melalui program pendidikan unggul yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai keislaman dan kebangsaan. Temukan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan potensi terbaik Anda dengan menjadi bagian dari Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Perguruan Tinggi Nasional
Pertama di Indonesia

Bekal karier masa depan Anda dipelajari mulai saat ini.
Bersama Universitas Islam Indonesia, Anda akan menemukan pengalaman belajar yang unik yang memadukan ilmu pengetahuan dengan pelaksanaan nilai-nilai keislaman untuk membentuk karakter yang berintegritas, serta didukung dengan lingkungan pembelajaran yang kondusif untuk mengembangkan potensi Anda.

Program Pendidikan

Setiap hari di Universitas Islam Indonesia, tersedia ruang belajar untuk memperdalam pengetahuan, melatih keterampilan, dan mengembangkan berbagai gagasan baru. UII menawarkan berbagai program pendidikan dengan pilihan jenjang dan program studi yang lengkap. Jelajahi masa depan Anda di UII dan temukan program pendidikan yang sesuai dengan minat belajar dan rencana karier Anda.

Ingin telusuri pilihan program pendidikan?

Berita & Opini

Tetap terhubung dengan berita dan informasi terbaru tentang berbagai aktivitas di Kampus Universitas Islam Indonesia

Pojok Rektor

Berita Pilihan

Inovasi & Inisiatif

Sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi unggulan, UII ikut menjalankan peran penting dalam menjawab berbagai tantangan untuk mendorong kemajuan Indonesia. Berbagai langkah inovasi dan inisiatif yang dihadirkan dalam berbagai program menjadi wujud kontribusi aktif UII dalam pengembangan dan penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Sinergi dengan berbagai institusi mitra strategis juga menjadi kekuatan kami dalam mengembangkan berbagai inovasi dan inisiatif di UII.

Telusuri bagaimana kiprah UII dalam mengembangkan berbagai gagasan dan karya yang berlandaskan nilai keislaman dan kebangsaan

Kehidupan di Kampus UII

Kehidupan di Kampus UII diwarnai dengan berbagai kegiatan yang mendorong tumbuhnya semangat belajar seluruh sivitas akademika. Lingkungan kampus yang hijau dan nyaman ikut mendukung terciptanya atmosfir yang kondusif untuk menuntut ilmu. Hiruk pikuk kampus di luar kegiatan perkuliahan juga banyak diisi dengan berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang menyediakan ruang bagi pengembangan minat dan bakat mahasiswa.

Ikuti UII di Media Sosial

Life at UII Campus

Daily life at UII is colored with various activities designed to strengthen the learning spirit throughout the academic community. The green and comfortable campus environment contributes to the creation of a conducive atmosphere to learning. Students’ interaction and creations on campus are also facilitated with a variety of extracurricular activities that provide space for their interests and talents development.

Innovation & Initiatives

As one of the leading universities, Universitas Islam Indonesia plays an important role in addressing Indonesia’s development challenges. The various innovations and initiatives presented in many programs are part of UII’s active contribution towards development and deployment of science and technology. Collaborations with many strategic partner institutions at both national and global levels is also our strength in developing innovations and initiatives at UII, and making impacts to a better future.

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