Attentive of Students’ Mental Health, UII Launches PEKA

Yogyakarta—Universitas Islam Indonesia’s Directorate of Student Coaching (DPK UII) launched the Care for Mental Health (PEKA) program at the Prof. Dr. Sardjito Auditorium in the University’s Main Campus on Saturday, 8 July 2023.

The PEKA program is part of the university’s commitment at supporting students’ mental health.

Attending the PEKA program launch were the university’s leadership, Sleman Regional Government officials and UII students. The launch was followed by a seminar titled “Mental Health Awareness in University”, bringing in speakers Dr. Retno Kumolohadi, S.Psi., M.Si.Psikolog., lecturer at UII’s Psychology Study Program; dr. Cahya Pumama, M.Kes., Sleman Health Agency head; and dr. Ida Rochmawati, M.Sc., Sp.KJ (K), a psychiatrist at the PKU Wonosari and Wonosari Regional Public hospitals in Gunungkidul.

DPK UII Director Beni Suranto, S.T., M.Soft.Eng. said in his opening remarks that the PEKA program would not work optimally without the people’s awareness, especially that of the students. This is because most cases handled by the program will be based on student reports, he said. Therefore, it is critical to develop sensitivity and empathy, and encourage other students to be at the forefront of strengthening mental health.

“When students have strong mental health, they can develop optimally to become strong individuals that can play an active role and contribute positively to the community,” he said. “Their days would be productive both as a student or later as intellectual community leaders.”

UII Vice Rector for Student, Religious & Alumni Affairs Dr. Drs. Rohidin, S.H., M.Ag. said today mental health was influenced by multiple factors. These include pileup of assignments, association with bad crowds, family disharmony and hedonic lifestyle.

The Vice Rector hopes that the PEKA program will encourage all UII members to play an active role in conditioning and maintaining student mental health, therefore allowing for the best implementation of education at UII.

Meanwhile, Sleman Government Expert Staff for Social Welfare, dr. Mafilindati Nuraini, M.Kes., who was present on behalf of the Sleman Regent, said maintaining mental health was as crucial as maintaining physical health.

“Due to this urgency, I call on the public, including students here, to realign the stigma that mental health issues are taboo. In fact, everyone can experience it,” she said. “Therefore, I call on everyone to pay more attention to the mental health of themselves, their families and people around them.”

As an agreement to collaboratively support the PEKA UII program, the university and the Sleman Health Agency signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), followed by the agency’s handing to UII of a book titled “Mata Hati” (Eyes of the Heart). (VIP Magazine Vol 10)